Looking around I learned how to create the join query
All the examples I was able to find talk about creating or running the query but none show how to print to stdo ...
Notice my failed attempt to use $row['a.ArticleDate'] and others like it ... Nothing is shown, not even a visible error.
What must I do?
Thank you all in advance for your usual help!
Jose Lerebours
KNOWLEDGE: Something you can give away endlessly and gain more of it in the process! - Jose Lerebours
$data_query = '
SELECT a.* , b.MemberFirstName , b.MemberLastName FROM articles a , members b WHERE a.ArticleAuthor = b.MemberID
LIMIT ' . $limit_start . ", " . $records_per_page;
$rh = mysql_query ($data_query);
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($rh))
$vContent = substr($row['a.ArticleContent'], 0, 125) .
'... <br /> '. '<a border="0" class="link1"
href=javascript:ReadArticle("ReadArticle.php?Article=' .
$row['a.ArticleID'] . '")> >>> Read this article >>></a>';
print '
<td style="background-color: #FFCC33" colspan="2">' .
$row['a.ArticleSubject'] . '
<td style="background-color: #FFFFCC"
width="310">By: ' . $row['b.MemberFirstName'] .
$row['b.MemberLastname'] . '
<td style="background-color: #FFFFCC">' .
$row['a.ArticleDate'] . '
<td colspan="3">' . $vContent . '
All the examples I was able to find talk about creating or running the query but none show how to print to stdo ...
Notice my failed attempt to use $row['a.ArticleDate'] and others like it ... Nothing is shown, not even a visible error.
What must I do?
Thank you all in advance for your usual help!
Jose Lerebours
KNOWLEDGE: Something you can give away endlessly and gain more of it in the process! - Jose Lerebours