Technical User
When someone calls a phone and that phone doesn't answer and reroutes to voicemail the person making the calls sees the name on their telephone display change from showing the called parties name to showing the number of the voicemail port they are connecting to. We want it changed so that it shows the called party's name for the entire duration of the call.
someone calls '3706 - John Doe'
If John doesn't answer and the calls goes to voicemail, the phone making the call show continue to say '3706 - John Doe' and not 'Nupoint #5907' like it is doing now.
Runnng vMCD a vNupoint - current releases. I've tried various display setting in the COS of the Nupoint vm ports but can't get it to work.
someone calls '3706 - John Doe'
If John doesn't answer and the calls goes to voicemail, the phone making the call show continue to say '3706 - John Doe' and not 'Nupoint #5907' like it is doing now.
Runnng vMCD a vNupoint - current releases. I've tried various display setting in the COS of the Nupoint vm ports but can't get it to work.