We have a field of laboratory values and another field for the date the lab was done. What they are asking me to pull is the most recent lab value and the lab value right before the most recent, within the last year. Currently the formula looks like this:
if {LAB_NAME} = "HGB A1C" and
(not isnull({LAB_RESULT})) and
{D_LAB_DRAWN} in (currentdate - 365) to CurrentDate
then val({LAB_RESULT});
How can I pull the next-to-most-recent and most recent lab values? Thanks for everyones help.
if {LAB_NAME} = "HGB A1C" and
(not isnull({LAB_RESULT})) and
{D_LAB_DRAWN} in (currentdate - 365) to CurrentDate
then val({LAB_RESULT});
How can I pull the next-to-most-recent and most recent lab values? Thanks for everyones help.