Do you mean the <TITLE> for your HTML Page?
yourAspTitleGoesHere = "Dynamically Created Title"
<TITLE><%=yourAspTitleGoesHere%></TITLE> ----------------------------------------------------------------- Be nice. It's only doing what you tell it to do.
Well i ve figured out that there is no way to read document's title from ASP beacuse it's still running on server and not on browser yet.
The only way is to open current document as text and get from it whats inside <title> and </title> tags. Well this is the solution to this problem :
---- ASP Page
lTitle = GetTitle(Request.ServerVariables("SCRIPT_NAME")
----- ASP Functions
Public Function GetTitle(FileToRead)
Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject"
Set thisfile = fs.OpenTextFile(whichfile, 1, False)
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