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Jun 18, 2000
Is there another way to print the structure? Using DISP STRUCT TO PRINTER makes ugly output: lines wrap aroundso that each field's info is across two or three lines. There's got to be a better way or some utility to do this.

try using copy stru extended, will create a table containing
the structure, then modify new table. Recommend that you shrink size of field_name to 10 or 20 characters, then you can delete fields you don't need and then do list to printer
setting your page orientation to landscape, and then LIST(ing) structure to print might be a quick way to avoid your problem
Pete Bloomfield
Down Under

If you issue the SET ALTERNATE TO... & SET ALTERNATE ON commands before issuing the DISPLAY STRUCTURE command, the output goes to the file you specify and looks quite nice, although only in a mono-spaced font like Courier. You can then adjust the type size and print it.

Hope that helps,

Check out this site, it has a downloadable utility that will take care of printing your table structure:

The util is called: GerryWhite.zip

Weedz (Wietze Veld)

They cling emotionally to code and fix development rather than choosing practices based on analytical assesments of what works best.

After the GoldRush - Steve McConnell
I like :


Then I call a report form I created just for this:

USE "mystructure"
REPORT FORM "mystructure" TO PRINT

OldBitByter, that was the solution for me. Thanks!

Now, as one answer always gets another question:

Where is the field comment? I'd like to include any field comments in my documentation.

If you liked that one, you'll love this!

The field comments are contained in the database container, not the table. If you have a database container named photos, with a table in it named labs, and you add a field comment to lab_id within labs, you can open the database container by:

USE photos.dbc

Note that the database container is just another table with the extension of .dbc.

You have to close your project/database to use the .dbc. Also, copy the .dbc to another area just in case you make an unintentional modification.

You will now see information on all the tables in your container. If you go to the labs section (each row has the objecttype field indicating if it is a table, field, index, or whatever) and browse down until you find labs (id'd as a table in objecttype) you will see it's fields listed below it. There are memo fields for Property, Code, Riinfo, and User. You are interested in the Property memo. Note that memo fields with something in them are capitalized. Open the Property for your field and you will see some non-display characters, maybe your default value statement, more non-display, etc.. until you see your comment. If you precede your field comments with ** or something similar and end the same way, you can use the ** with the AT() function to locate your comment and strip it out in your report form.

Hope this helps you get headed in the right direction.
Thanks, OldBitByter! That's what I needed to know. It's going to be a bit convoluted getting in into the report but now I know how to do it.

Hmmm, &quot;OldBitByter&quot;? I think my Grand-Daddy kept a bottle of that in the woodshed. <g>

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