Hi guys.
I'am new to the avaya world and i have a quick question for you.
Could it be possible to have a display of the calls that are goin to the voicemail ?
Somebody call me, i don't pick the call, after 4 rings the call is sending to the voicemail.
The guy let a message to the voicemail like "Ok i'll call you later".
If he let no phone number, how can i call him back ?
There is no trace of his call on the call log.
Is there a way to know the number of the people that are goin to the voicemail ?
Thanks by advance.
Best regards.
I'am new to the avaya world and i have a quick question for you.
Could it be possible to have a display of the calls that are goin to the voicemail ?
Somebody call me, i don't pick the call, after 4 rings the call is sending to the voicemail.
The guy let a message to the voicemail like "Ok i'll call you later".
If he let no phone number, how can i call him back ?
There is no trace of his call on the call log.
Is there a way to know the number of the people that are goin to the voicemail ?
Thanks by advance.
Best regards.