i am working on sun enterprise 420R machine,
it has 2 disks each(16gb) and ram 2gb.
when installing solaris 2.7, what amount of disk space should be alloted to /, /usr, swap ,/opt, /var?
can i go only with following slices / swap and /opt.
Each install really depends on how much disk is needed for you apps and how much can you spare for the O.S.
root or '/' -> is general failry static and should be at least 200mbs
/usr -> should be no less than 200mbs of free space after everything is installed. This should allow room to upgrade to Solaris 8... I like to have about 1gb or more if possible!!
/var -> is one of the most dymanic file systems, so leave room for growth. This mostly contains logs, printer conf files, mail conf files. Eg. as you add more printers this FS will grow.
/opt -> this really depends on how much software your need to install now and later on. Some people also use /usr/local/ to install software as well.
Swap -> there is mixed feelings on this one. some say swap should be double the amount of physical memory. But after Solaris 2.6 it now only needs to be 20% of your physical memory. having more swap is not a bad thing!
re swap
as pbouchie said, swap used to specified to be at least the size of your RAM preffered up to double the size.
With the size of RAM available now you could get by without swap space IF you are certain the size of your RAM is big enough so that nothing will ever get swapped out.
If you have plenty of RAM set swap to the same size (as the RAM) and you should not get into trouble, even if you add extra applications later.
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