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Disconnecting network drives....using IWshRunTimeLibrary.IWshNetwork

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Feb 7, 2001
This question is related to another post I just made, "Using batch file to map, unmap drives..." in that, I was have problems mapping and unmapping drives using IWshRunTimeLibrary.IWshNetwork, so I opted to use batch files. Then I hit a roadblock there, too.
So we're back to IWshRunTimeLibrary.IWshNetwork.
The problem here is that when i use:

sub mytestsub()
dim fso as new filesystemobject
fso.removenetworkdrive "q:"
fso.mapnetworkdrive "q:","\\myserver\mynewshare"
end sub

everything works great until I try to apply this method to a remote server. So, if I disconnect a share from a server here in our office, it works great. But, if I try to do the same for a server in Denver, a problem occurs.

The problem is indicated in NT Explorer by a small red "x" icon under the drive icon for the drive I'm trying to disconnect. Instead of the disconnected drive disappearing, the small "x" appears beneath it. If I go to a command prompt and try to access the drive, it says the drive is not available. However, as the code above indicates, if I try to remap the drive, an error occurs stating that the drive is already mapped elsewhere. If I single-click on the drive icon in NT Explorer, the red "x" disappears, and the drive apparently automatically re-maps, because all the files appear in the right pane.

Does anyone have any insight into why I would be able to fully disconnect a local share/server, but not a remote? If so, do you have any suggestions on how I could accomplish the goal of disconnecting and re-mapping a remote share using IWshRunTimeLibrary.IWshNetwork??

Thanking you in advance,

Mike K
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