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Disclaimer - Sink Register help

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Jan 3, 2003
Hello there,
For the first time I am trying to set up disclaimer in VB based of:

using the scrip from:

getting an error of:
"Have you registered your sink COM class on this machine"
Not sure what this refers to...an IIS Component or... :|

C:\SMTPES>cscript smtpreg.vbs /add 1 OnArrival SMTPDisclaimer SMTPEventSink.Disc
laimer "mail from=*@domain.com"
Microsoft (R) Windows Script Host Version 5.6
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation 1996-2001. All rights reserved.

Binding Display Name Specified: SMTPDisclaimer
** Registration Failed **
    Err.Number (HRESULT) = 0x1AD
    Err.Description      = ActiveX component can't create object
    ProgID               = SMTPEventSink.Disclaimer
    COM Category         = {FF3CAA23-00B9-11d2-9DFB-00C04FA322BA}
    Corresponding Event  = OnArrival
** Have you registered your sink COM class on this machine?

Any of you gurus seen this before?
Thanks for your time!
All the best!


All around in my home town,
They tryin' to track me down...
nevermind...reinstalled SDK


All around in my home town,
They tryin' to track me down...
Glad to hear you got the sink registered. Now, for the bads news:

The sink won't fire on a message submitted by a MAPI client unless you force content conversion first.

You can force the traffic through a border server on which the sink is registered as in
In a single server environment you can create a second SMTP virtual server, Force everything through it, and register the sink on the second virtual server. This will have the same effect; force content conversion before the onarrival sink fires.
Hi xmsre,
Thanks for the info. In my case it is BE -FE connected SMTP connector and sink is on FE....not sure what needs to be done. Restarted the smtp service on FE but still no disclaimers.(testing from OWA on FE)

I know that GFI made theirs free...I wonder is they stamp with the their add? Maybe a better choice?
I never really liked 'hacks' but end result is candy for mgt.
Thanks for this as well the RAID info few posts back!
All the best!


All around in my home town,
They tryin' to track me down...
Is the FE your SMTP bridgehead? If not, then the message goes out the smtp virtual server on the BE and therefore the content is not converted before the sink fires.
yes, the FE is the bridgehead and all mail is routed through it.


All around in my home town,
They tryin' to track me down...
THen you would install the sink there. A message submitted MAPI to the BE for external would pass be converted to SMTP and sent to the bridgehead where the sink fires.

Would using OWA on FE (the gridgehead) not get stampped with disclaimer?
I restarted SMTP service on FE but perhaps the same is required on BE...maybe?
Thanks a bunch!


All around in my home town,
They tryin' to track me down...
No love,
I have tried using VBscript as well from:
-sink registred fine
-rebooted the FE server
-outlook it attched to BE
-mail is going out throuhg stmp connector

any tools/utilities?
Many thanks!!!


All around in my home town,
They tryin' to track me down...
I decided to go with GFI since disclaimer part it is free.


All around in my home town,
They tryin' to track me down...
>since disclaimer part it is free

Not for a while it hasn't been, sadly. Unless they've reintroduced that.
Ah crap you are right v 12 doesn't have freeware part.
Any ideas on why the sink above is not starting?
Is there a particualr folder/user right involved on the vbscript file EventSinkScript.vbs?


All around in my home town,
They tryin' to track me down...
Nevemind again :)
I figured it out, it was the registration command.
Apperently the doc:
has left out the part the IF you have multiple domains hosted command needs to be issued without specifying the domain name, even the default domain.
cscript smtpreg.vbs /add 1 onarrival SMTPScriptingHost CDO.SS_SMTPOnArrivalSink "mail from=*"
cscript smtpreg.vbs /setprop 1 onarrival SMTPScriptingHost Sink ScriptName "C:\EventSinkScript.vbs"
Differnce being "mail from=*" vs. "mail from=*@yourdomain.com" as suggested in the article.

Thanks guys for looking into this!
All the best!


All around in my home town,
They tryin' to track me down...
I decided to go with GFI since disclaimer part it is free.
Thank! "

There are a lot of good reasons to go with a comercial sink; ease of setup is only one. The sample code is not very efficient, with more than a few users, the server would bog down. Most people toy or tinker with Scott's sample code, and then end up with a commercial solution. It doesn't hurt to understand how it works.

thanks xmsre,
GFI defintely has a nice feature set... I have messed with it a few versions back. For now, I tihink that just having the disclaimer will place the candy on the table.
Having mail essentials would definetly be a nice set of tools...have not heard bad things about it. Budget will dictate the purchase - as always :)
Thanks for the follow up!


All around in my home town,
They tryin' to track me down...
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