This could go either here or the ethics forum I think.
Here's my issue. My IT colleague here is on a campaign to penalize users if spyware is found on their computers. Our users are connected to the internet via our LAN. They use the internet for business purposes. We don't have users who abuse their net privileges or download or install alot of stuff on that computers. I'm helpdesk, so I get to see what's on the users' computers firsthand. In fact, most just know how to do what they are suppose to do. But my colleague borders almost on irate when spyware is found on a computer. It doesn't have be dozens and dozens of instance of spyware found, just one sets him off. Insisting that the user did something and should be penalized.
Alot of spyware stealthily installs itself on the computer without any malicious assistance from the user. I regularly run adware and spybot on computers when I get a chance. I know I've gotten spyware on my computer and I'm like ... where did that come from?
So does it make any sense to discipline a user if spyware is detected on their computer?
Here's my issue. My IT colleague here is on a campaign to penalize users if spyware is found on their computers. Our users are connected to the internet via our LAN. They use the internet for business purposes. We don't have users who abuse their net privileges or download or install alot of stuff on that computers. I'm helpdesk, so I get to see what's on the users' computers firsthand. In fact, most just know how to do what they are suppose to do. But my colleague borders almost on irate when spyware is found on a computer. It doesn't have be dozens and dozens of instance of spyware found, just one sets him off. Insisting that the user did something and should be penalized.
Alot of spyware stealthily installs itself on the computer without any malicious assistance from the user. I regularly run adware and spybot on computers when I get a chance. I know I've gotten spyware on my computer and I'm like ... where did that come from?
So does it make any sense to discipline a user if spyware is detected on their computer?