Oct 7, 2003 #1 datadan IS-IT--Management Jul 22, 2002 283 US How can I configure sendmail to Discard mail instead of rejecting email sent TO usera@foo.com, userb@foo.com, or userc@foo.com? Thanks,
How can I configure sendmail to Discard mail instead of rejecting email sent TO usera@foo.com, userb@foo.com, or userc@foo.com? Thanks,
Oct 7, 2003 1 #2 Rhinokiller IS-IT--Management May 20, 2003 223 US Use your access file usera@foo.com discard There is no God, only 10001010 Upvote 0 Downvote
Oct 16, 2003 Thread starter #3 datadan IS-IT--Management Jul 22, 2002 283 US Thanks, that did the trick I thought this was a "from" only file. Upvote 0 Downvote