Application compiled by programmer "A" uses simple menus (TMainMenu and TMenuItem). When the .exe is run on his machine or mine, the underscores do not appear in the menu bar until the Alt key is pressed. (e.g. &File shows simply as File, not File until pressing the Alt key.)
Same application source compiled on my machine shows underscores in the normal way (before pressing Alt)
Any ideas?
We are all using D5. He is using Win2000, I am using Win98. There is another programmer using D5 on Win2000 and he is not having any problem with menu accelerators.
Action List is not used.
Captions have the ampersand (&) in the proper places.
Same application source compiled on my machine shows underscores in the normal way (before pressing Alt)
Any ideas?
We are all using D5. He is using Win2000, I am using Win98. There is another programmer using D5 on Win2000 and he is not having any problem with menu accelerators.
Action List is not used.
Captions have the ampersand (&) in the proper places.