My database users NT authorisation for users to access and I have set the startup settings to lock out all toolbars and hide the database window. What i need to do is to get some code which can be run at startup so that certain users can have full access to the database behind the scenes and other only what I have given them access to through Their custom start screen.
I was wondering if anyone had code to supply me to change the startup settings.
I have the code from Access Help but I can't get it to work the way I want.
Sub SetStartupProperties()
Const DB_Text As Long = 10
Const DB_Boolean As Long = 1
ChangeProperty "StartupForm", DB_Text, "Customers"
ChangeProperty "StartupShowDBWindow", DB_Boolean, False
ChangeProperty "StartupShowStatusBar", DB_Boolean, False
ChangeProperty "AllowBuiltinToolbars", DB_Boolean, False
ChangeProperty "AllowFullMenus", DB_Boolean, True
ChangeProperty "AllowBreakIntoCode", DB_Boolean, False
ChangeProperty "AllowSpecialKeys", DB_Boolean, True
ChangeProperty "AllowBypassKey", DB_Boolean, True
End Sub
Function ChangeProperty(strPropName As String, varPropType As Variant, varPropValue As Variant) As Integer
Dim dbs As Object, prp As Variant
Const conPropNotFoundError = 3270
Set dbs = CurrentDb
On Error GoTo Change_Err
dbs.Properties(strPropName) = varPropValue
ChangeProperty = True
Exit Function
If Err = conPropNotFoundError Then ' Property not found.
Set prp = dbs.CreateProperty(strPropName, _
varPropType, varPropValue)
dbs.Properties.Append prp
Resume Next
' Unknown error.
ChangeProperty = False
Resume Change_Bye
End If
End Function
Can anyone help
Any Help provided as always is greatly appreciated
I was wondering if anyone had code to supply me to change the startup settings.
I have the code from Access Help but I can't get it to work the way I want.
Sub SetStartupProperties()
Const DB_Text As Long = 10
Const DB_Boolean As Long = 1
ChangeProperty "StartupForm", DB_Text, "Customers"
ChangeProperty "StartupShowDBWindow", DB_Boolean, False
ChangeProperty "StartupShowStatusBar", DB_Boolean, False
ChangeProperty "AllowBuiltinToolbars", DB_Boolean, False
ChangeProperty "AllowFullMenus", DB_Boolean, True
ChangeProperty "AllowBreakIntoCode", DB_Boolean, False
ChangeProperty "AllowSpecialKeys", DB_Boolean, True
ChangeProperty "AllowBypassKey", DB_Boolean, True
End Sub
Function ChangeProperty(strPropName As String, varPropType As Variant, varPropValue As Variant) As Integer
Dim dbs As Object, prp As Variant
Const conPropNotFoundError = 3270
Set dbs = CurrentDb
On Error GoTo Change_Err
dbs.Properties(strPropName) = varPropValue
ChangeProperty = True
Exit Function
If Err = conPropNotFoundError Then ' Property not found.
Set prp = dbs.CreateProperty(strPropName, _
varPropType, varPropValue)
dbs.Properties.Append prp
Resume Next
' Unknown error.
ChangeProperty = False
Resume Change_Bye
End If
End Function
Can anyone help
Any Help provided as always is greatly appreciated