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Disabling PN Duplication 1

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Jul 15, 2009
Hi folks

I'm removing parts of a Center stage Switch. In order to remove the fiber links, I have to disable PNC duplication.

Do you know if, disabling it will take down the duplicated IPSI PNs?

In 2022? Seriously?

I don't think disabling duplication will kill anything.

Don't quote me on that.
Was relatively easy, once I found it in the SMI features table. Once disabled, it split the cha sys dup into 2 items, PN and IPSI dup. Just deselected PN dup.

And you are right! Why still have CSS in 2022. Once I became involved, I pushed for at least moving to IP connect but there was no budging the site even though it was a labor only endeavor.

I have one more item, can't remove cabinet 2. Get a message "Cabinet has external device alarm port translation". Any thoughts on this?

From SAT

Command: list, display, add, change, test eda-external-device-alrm

A great teacher, does not provide answers, but methods to teach others "How and where to find the answers"


45 years Bell, AT&T, Lucent, Avaya
Tier 3 for 35 years and counting
[URL unfurl="true"]http://bshtele.com[/url]
Feature needed to be enabled. Then need to do a reset sys 4 later today to activate the feature. Not sure why it was ever disabled....
Usually, someone thought they were saving money by turning off features.

A great teacher, does not provide answers, but methods to teach others "How and where to find the answers"


45 years Bell, AT&T, Lucent, Avaya
Tier 3 for 35 years and counting
[URL unfurl="true"]http://bshtele.com[/url]
I can list, test and display eda-external-device-alrm but no change add or remove for that object. Any additional thoughts?.
post the output from list eda

Command: list, display, add, change, test eda-external-device-alrm

No remove command.

display system-parameters customer-options                      Page   5 of  12
                                OPTIONAL FEATURES

   Emergency Access to Attendant? y                              IP Stations? y
           Enable 'dadmin' Login? y
           Enhanced Conferencing? y                        ISDN Feature Plus? n
                  Enhanced EC500? y        ISDN/SIP Network Call Redirection? y
    Enterprise Survivable Server? n                          ISDN-BRI Trunks? y
       Enterprise Wide Licensing? n                                 ISDN-PRI? y
              ESS Administration? y               Local Survivable Processor? n
          Extended Cvg/Fwd Admin? y                     Malicious Call Trace? y
     [COLOR=#CC0000]External Device Alarm Admin?[/color] y                 Media Encryption Over IP? n

display alarms                                                         Page   1

                                 ALARM REPORT

Port       Maintenance On   Alt      Alarm   Svc   Ack?  Date        Date
           Name        Brd? Name     Type    State 1 2   Alarmed     Resolved

01minor    EXT-DEV     n    ups      MINOR         y     04/18/11:57 00/00/00:00
list eda-external-device-alrm

                         EXTERNAL DEVICE ALARM PORTS

Port     Alarm    Alt      Description                               Product
         Type     Name                                               Identifier

01major  major             ups 3000va
01minor  minor    ups      3000va ups
display eda-external-device-alrm major
                             EXTERNAL DEVICE ALARM PORT

                        Port: 01major
                  Alarm Type: major
                    Alt Name:
                 Description: ups 3000va
          Product Identifier:
display eda-external-device-alrm minor
                             EXTERNAL DEVICE ALARM PORT

                        Port: 01minor
                  Alarm Type: minor
                    Alt Name: ups
                 Description: 3000va ups
          Product Identifier:
change eda-external-device-alrm major
change eda-external-device-alrm minor
test alarms long clear

                                 ALARM ENTRY
Port       Maintenance On   Alt      Alarm   Svc    Ack?  Date        Alarm
           Name        Brd? Name     Type    State  1 2   Alarmed     Count

01minor    EXT-DEV     n             MINOR          y     04/18/11:57 1/1

                                 TEST RESULTS
Port      Maintenance Name  Alt. Name Test No. Result            Error Code

01minor   EXT-DEV                     120      DISABLED
COUNT                                 6
01minor   EXT-DEV                              CLEARED
Testing completed for this object.
list disabled-MOs


          Maintenance Name    Location    Status

          ALL                             Enabled
display disabled-tests
                           DISABLED TEST INFORMATION

         Test Number

120 External Device Alarm Test
list eda-external-device-alrm

                         EXTERNAL DEVICE ALARM PORTS

Port     Alarm    Alt      Description                               Product
         Type     Name                                               Identifier

01major  major
01minor  minor
list history                                                           Page   1

          Date of Loaded Translation: 9:04pm Tue Apr 16, 2013

 Date  Time Port      Login    Actn Object       Qualifier

 4/18 15:26 MAINT     dadmin   save translation
 4/18 15:24 MAINT     dadmin   test alarms       long clear
 4/18 15:23 MAINT     dadmin   cha  eda-external major
 4/18 15:23 MAINT     dadmin   cha  eda-external minor
 4/18 15:22 MAINT     dadmin   logn

A great teacher, does not provide answers, but methods to teach others "How and where to find the answers"


45 years Bell, AT&T, Lucent, Avaya
Tier 3 for 35 years and counting
[URL unfurl="true"]http://bshtele.com[/url]
Thanks, just not seeeing thechange eda command

But I simply don't have the change eda-external-device-alrm

I have list, display and test.

My "External Device Alarm Admin?" = y


Port Alarm Alt Description Product
Type Name Identifier

02major major UPS LOSS OF AC

No disabled-mo command available

Please enter one of the following object command words:

aar audio-group console-parameters
abbreviated-dialing bcms-vustats cor
access-endpoint bri-trunk-board cos
adjunct-names bulletin-board coverage
administered-connection button-restriction cti-link
alias cabinet data-module
alphanumeric-dial-table calltype daylight-savings-rules
alternate-frl call-screening dialplan
announcement cama-numbering digit-absorption
ars circuit-packs display-messages
asg-key cluster display-parameters
attendant communication-interface ds1

Or press HELP for more words or press CANCEL to cancel the command

Object command word omitted; please press HELP
Command: change
ethernet-options integ-annc-brd-loc isdn
extended-pickup-group intercom-group ixc-codes
extended-user-profile intra-switch-cdr listed-directory-numbers
extension-station ip-codec-set location-parameters
failover-grp-domain-map ip-interface locations
feature-access-codes ip-media-parameters logging-levels
fiber-link ip-network-map lsp
firmware ip-network-region meas-selection
group-page ip-parameters media-gateway
holiday-table ip-route media-server
hunt-group ip-services modem-pool
inc-call-handling-trmt ipserver-interface moh-analog-group

Or press HELP for more words or press CANCEL to cancel the command

Command: change
You should check your login's user-profile and see if you have permissions
Command: status login (to find your logname and user-profile)
to change or test eda feature. See below:

display user-profile 18                                         Page  11 of  41
                                  USER PROFILE 18
 Set Permissions For Category:    To:          Set All Permissions To:
'-'=no access 'r'=list,display,status 'w'=add,change,remove+r 'm'=maintenance
                  Name          Cat  Perm
      display-mess misc-features N    w-
 display-messages posted-message N    w-
display-mess property-management N    w-
display-mess self-administration N    w-
 display-messages softkey-labels N    w-
display-mess time-of-day-routing N    w-
display-mess transfer-conference N    w-
       display-mess view-buttons N    w-
        display-messages vustats N    w-
              display-parameters N    w-
            do-not-disturb group E    r-
          do-not-disturb station E    r-
                             ds1 D    w-
                    ds1-facility D    rm
                        ds1-loop D    rm
        [COLOR=#CC0000]eda-external-device-alrm D    rm[/color]

A great teacher, does not provide answers, but methods to teach others "How and where to find the answers"


45 years Bell, AT&T, Lucent, Avaya
Tier 3 for 35 years and counting
[URL unfurl="true"]http://bshtele.com[/url]
Even users with appropriate profiles didn't have the option to "change eda..". Looks like a call to Avaya on this one. Thanks for all your help!!
Just an FYI, and thanks very much for your responses!

Had to get Avaya in, turned out to be "corruption" and the only way to remove it was deep in the system. But we tried!! Never could get to the change command regardless of user and permissions.

I asked them to reset the dadmin pin while in as well, was easy enough using init....

Thanks again!!
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