I have been searching the net for ways to secure my program more and I'm having some trouble. The password-protected VBA code thing is cool but it doesn't provide the security I need. I would like to be able to stop a user from even entering the VBA application. Now I know I can disable VBA in Visio but this then prevents my vba code from running when opening the VSD, and that is not what I want. My overall situation is that our solution will be accessible over the net through terminal services. I have already written code to disable certain Visio menu items (i.e. Open...) that may cause a threat, but the user could still hit Alt-F11, enter the VBA, do something like "Import File" and then magically have access to everything on our server. I was reading somewhere that it is possible to prevent this access by disabling Application.VBE and Document.VBProject. But I tried that and recieved errors. Any help or suggestions would be much appreciated.