I have a program that starts as shell, instead of explorer.exe. So I have a restricted policy on what windows are alowed to be opend. But with Ctrl+Alt+Del my program can be stoped. In win2000/xp the user can start explorer... and stuff. I wanna disable this combination from the entire system.
This is VB.NET code (sorry) but it should head you in the right direction. Essentially, your code will need to consume the event generated from the keyboard. So, you create an OnKeyPress event handler which checks each key press event. If it's ctrl-alt-del & do nothing, otherwise, you'll need to pass the event onto the parent object so that you can do things, like, type etc.
protected overrides sub OnKeyPress (kea as KeyEventArgs)
select kea.keycode
case Keys.Right
messagebox.Show("Right key"
case keys.left
messagebox.show("Left key"
end select
end sub ---
Dino -
Ctrl-Alt-Del is called the Secure Attention Sequence, and is grabbed by the OS before it enters the message loop, so your program will never see it.
WebStar -
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