I did not phrase my original question properly. Here it <br>is: I have an NT4 SP6 system with IE5.01(fresh install<br>of both). I did not notice an option to turn Active<br>Desktop on or off during the install (my mistake).<br><br>I boot the system and get past the initial setup screens and join the domain. When I logon as a user I get the<br>Active Desktop.<br><br>Is there a specific Registry key that turns Active <br>Desktop off? I know I can do it by changing the Folders<br>to Classic Style and Right-Clicking the desktop. Is there<br>a way to do it before I join the domain while logged in <br>as Administrator?<br><br>Will I have to deinstall IE5 and restore the older<br>version of IE, and then reinstall IE5? <br><br>Any help would be greatly appreciated since I have many<br>systems to fix. Thanks.