hi, i've got a server and my client for the game mostly written, when i have two clients on, sometimes it lags and one player doesn't move for a while, then it speeds around the map while the queue catches up or something, what flags should i be using for when sending these messages, i've tried priority low and priority high....i read a page that said use async, but it must be for an older version because the dpnsend_async isn't in the dp objects. any help would be appreciated.
here is how i have it set up
-client sends message.
-server receives message and loops through players to broadcast to everyone (except sender).
-all other clients receieve the positioning information and update the remote players accordingly.
here is how i have it set up
-client sends message.
-server receives message and loops through players to broadcast to everyone (except sender).
-all other clients receieve the positioning information and update the remote players accordingly.