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Directory Naming on SIP Trunk 1

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Technical User
Jul 12, 2010
I'm a Tek-Tips newbie, this is my first post, so hello all.

We have an issue at three sites that are all IPO 500s, two v1s and one is a v2, running R5 or R6 to do with name matching from the corporate directory.

If you make an outbound call to a number in the corporate directory then the name matching works fine and shows the company / user name on the handset as you'd expect.

If someone in the corporate directory makes an incoming call then it does not match correctly and just displays the incoming number.

I've called a couple of Avaya disties and apparently from 4.2 onwards, Avaya broke the corporate directory on SIP trunks so you had to include the @domain.co.uk after the number to make it work.

We use BT Wholesale (Hipcom) for SIP services. Every incoming call is presented as telephonenumber@as.hipcom.co.uk. I've tried the telephone number only, the telephonenumber@as.hipcom.co.uk, telephonenumber@, sip:telephonenumber@as.hipcom.co.uk, sip:telephonenumber@, deleting and recreating the directory entry...etc, but I cannot get it to work.

There is a GRIP in place for Avaya to fix this, but in the meantime, whilst Avaya spend a year resolving it, has anyone seen this and if so, what's the work around?

If I missed this in a previous thread, apologies. I had a quick look but couldn't see anything.
Do you get regular name on the caller id of the SIP calls coming in? I was told if the provider sends a name on the call then the system will not try to match the directory.

Kevin Wing
ACSS Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) Communications
ACS- Implement IP Office
ACA- Implement IP Office
Carousel Industries
Well, BT require registration via telephone number so I wouldn't have thought it would be possible to send a name.

Below is an example incoming call from my mobile to my incoming DDI on the BT platform (my name and mobile being an entry in the corporate directory - all that shows on my handset is my mobile number but no name):

1574701447mS SIP Call Tx: 150
SIP/2.0 100 Trying
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK-1b8021-4c62b1aa-1909061e-1700c66d
From: "07825363102" <sip:07825363102@as.hipcom.co.uk>;tag=13c7755-13c4-4c62b1aa-1909061e-b0fe84
To: "Courtenay Mills" <sip:441737228110@comtec.com>;tag=af43507631c62a8e
Call-ID: BW152805689110810294292074@
Supported: timer
Content-Length: 0

1574701447mS SIP Tx: UDP ->
SIP/2.0 100 Trying
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK-1b8021-4c62b1aa-1909061e-1700c66d
From: "07825363102" <sip:07825363102@as.hipcom.co.uk>;tag=13c7755-13c4-4c62b1aa-1909061e-b0fe84
To: "Courtenay Mills" <sip:441737228110@comtec.com>;tag=af43507631c62a8e
Call-ID: BW152805689110810294292074@
Supported: timer
Content-Length: 0

1574701450mS CMCallEvt: CREATE CALL:11351 (f51371c0)
1574701450mS CMCallEvt: 0.323918.0 -1 BaseEP: NEW CMEndpoint f51313d4 TOTAL NOW=14 CALL_LIST=6
1574701453mS CMLineRx: v=0
Line: type=SIPLine 150 Call: lid=150 id=323917 in=1
Called[210] Type=Default (100) Reason=CMDRdirect SndComp Calling[07825363102@as.hipcom.co.uk] Type=Unknown Plan=Default
BC: CMTC=Speech CMTM=Circuit CMTR=64 CMST=Default CMU1=ALaw
IE CMIERespondingPartyName (228)(Type=CMNameDefault) name=07825363102
IE CMIERespondingPartyNumber (230)(P:100 S:100 T:0 N:100 R:4) number=07825363102@as.hipcom.co.uk
IE CMIEFastStartInfoData (6)
IE CMIEMediaWaitForConnect (16) CMIEMediaWaitForConnect
IE CMIEDIDNumber (245)(P:100 S:100 T:100 N:100 R:4) number=441737228110
IE CMIEDeviceDetail (231) LOCALE=eng HW=14 VER=6 class=CMDeviceSIPTrunk type=0 number=150 channel=0 rx_gain=32 tx_gain=32 ep_callid=323917 ipaddr= apps=8
1574701453mS CD: CALL: 150.323917.1 BState=Idle Cut=1 Music=0.0 Aend="Line 150" (0.0) Bend="" [] (0.0) CalledNum=210 () CallingNum=07825363102@as.hipcom.co.uk (07825363102) Internal=0 Time=3 AState=Idle
1574701453mS CMCallEvt: 150.323917.1 11351 SIPTrunk Endpoint: StateChange: END=A CMCSIdle->CMCSDialInitiated
1574701454mS CMTARGET: 150.323917.1 11351 SIPTrunk Endpoint: LOOKUP CALL ROUTE: type=100 called_party=210 sub= calling=07825363102@as.hipcom.co.uk dir=in complete=1 ses=0
1574701454mS CMTARGET: 150.323917.1 11351 SIPTrunk Endpoint: SET BESTMATCH: length 0 vs -1 match= dest=VM:comtec
1574701454mS CMTARGET: 150.323917.1 11351 SIPTrunk Endpoint: SET BESTMATCH: length 12 vs 0 match=441737228110 dest=210
1574701454mS CMCallEvt: Priority hike: call 11351 priority 0->1
1574701455mS CMTARGET: 150.323917.1 11351 SIPTrunk Endpoint: LOOKUP ICR: DDI=441737228110 CGPN=07825363102@as.hipcom.co.uk (Destination 210 ) => CDPN=210
1574701455mS CMTARGET: 150.323917.1 11351 SIPTrunk Endpoint: ADD TARGET (N): number=210 type=100 depth=1 nobar=1 setorig=1 ses=0
1574701455mS CMTARGET: 150.323917.1 11351 SIPTrunk Endpoint: SET USER: CMills orig=1
1574701456mS CMTARGET: 150.323917.1 11351 SIPTrunk Endpoint: ADD USER: CMills depth=2 disallow_cw=0 dnd=0 real_call=1 group_call=0 type(CMNTypeDefault) incl(0x0) excpt(0x0), allow_redir(1) remote=00000000
1574701456mS CMMap: a=4.1 b=0.0 Mapper::AllocateCodec allocated CMRTVocoder resource busy 3, total 64
1574701456mS CMCallEvt: 0.323919.0 -1 BaseEP: NEW CMEndpoint f52053b4 TOTAL NOW=15 CALL_LIST=7
1574701457mS CMCallEvt: 0.323919.0 -1 CMills.-1: NEW CMExtnEndpoint f52053b4, Name=CMills, Extn=210, Phys Extn=405
1574701458mS CMTARGET: 0.323919.0 11351 CMills.0: ADD PRIMARY
1574701458mS CMTARGET: 150.323917.1 11351 SIPTrunk Endpoint: INITIAL TARGETING SUCCEEDED
1574701458mS CMTARGET: 150.323917.1 11351 SIPTrunk Endpoint: GetNoAnswerTimer:15
1574701459mS CMCallEvt: 150.323917.1 11351 SIPTrunk Endpoint: StateChange: END=A CMCSDialInitiated->CMCSDialled
1574701460mS CMLineTx: v=0
Line: type=SIPLine 150 Call: lid=150 id=323917 in=1
1574701460mS Sip: 150.323917.1 11351 SIPTrunk Endpoint(f50ece74) received CMProceeding
1574701460mS CMCallEvt: 0.323918.0 11351 TargetingEP: StateChange: END=B CMCSIdle->CMCSOffering
1574701461mS CMCallEvt: 0.323919.0 11351 CMills.0: StateChange: END=T CMCSIdle->CMCSOffering
1574701462mS CMExtnEvt: CMills: CMExtnHandler::SetCurrent( id: 0->323919 )
1574701462mS CMExtnTx: v=210, p1=0
Line: type=DigitalExtn 3 Call: lid=0 id=323919 in=0
Called[210] Type=Default (100) Reason=CMDRdirect SndComp Calling[07825363102@as.hipcom.co.uk] Type=Unknown Plan=Default
BC: CMTC=Speech CMTM=Circuit CMTR=64 CMST=Default CMU1=ALaw
IE CMIERespondingPartyName (228)(Type=CMNameDefault) name=07825363102
IE CMIERespondingPartyNumber (230)(P:100 S:100 T:0 N:100 R:4) number=07825363102@as.hipcom.co.uk
IE CMIEMediaWaitForConnect (16) CMIEMediaWaitForConnect
IE CMIEDIDNumber (245)(P:100 S:100 T:100 N:100 R:4) number=441737228110
IE CMIEDeviceDetail (231) LOCALE=eng HW=14 VER=6 class=CMDeviceSIPTrunk type=0 number=150 channel=0 rx_gain=32 tx_gain=32 ep_callid=323917 ipaddr= apps=8
IE CMIECalledPartyName (224)(Type=CMNameDefault) name=CMills
IE CMIECalledPartyKName (225)(Type=CMNameDefault) name=Courtenay Mills
IE CMIECallingPartyName (110)(Type=CMNameDefault) name=07825363102
IE CMIEIcrPriorityDetail (239) Priority = 1
IE CMIEMohSourceId (247) MOH Source = 1
Display [07825363102>CMills]
Timed: 11/08/10 15:26
Locale: eng
1574701462mS CMExtnRx: v=210, p1=0
Line: type=DigitalExtn 3 Call: lid=0 id=323919 in=0
1574701463mS CMCallEvt: 0.323919.0 11351 CMills.0: StateChange: END=T CMCSOffering->CMCSRinging
1574701463mS CMExtnEvt: v=3 State, new=Ringing old=Idle,0,0,CMills
1574701463mS CMCallEvt: 0.323918.0 11351 TargetingEP: StateChange: END=B CMCSOffering->CMCSRinging
1574701464mS CMCallEvt: 150.323917.1 11351 SIPTrunk Endpoint: StateChange: END=A CMCSDialled->CMCSRingBack
1574701465mS CMLineTx: v=0
Line: type=SIPLine 150 Call: lid=150 id=323917 in=1
IE CMIERespondingPartyName (228)(Type=CMNameDefault) name=CMills
IE CMIERespondingPartyKName (229)(Type=CMNameDefault) name=Courtenay Mills
IE CMIERespondingPartyNumber (230)(P:100 S:100 T:101 N:100 R:4) number=210
IE CMIEDeviceDetail (231) LOCALE=eng HW=14 VER=6 class=CMDeviceStdPhone type=27 number=27 channel=0 rx_gain=32 tx_gain=32 ep_callid=323919 ipaddr= apps=8
1574701465mS Sip: 150.323917.1 11351 SIPTrunk Endpoint(f50ece74) received CMAlerting
1574701466mS SIP Call Tx: 150
SIP/2.0 180 Ringing
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK-1b8021-4c62b1aa-1909061e-1700c66d
From: "07825363102" <sip:07825363102@as.hipcom.co.uk>;tag=13c7755-13c4-4c62b1aa-1909061e-b0fe84
To: "Courtenay Mills" <sip:441737228110@comtec.com>;tag=af43507631c62a8e
Call-ID: BW152805689110810294292074@
Contact: "CMills" <sip:%22Courtenay%20Mills%22@;transport=udp>
Supported: timer
Content-Length: 0

i have this very same issue. 4.2(14) and 4.2(17) will work and match the directory ok but releases before and after do not work.

It is to do with changes made to the IP Poffice to fully follow the RFC's.

The IPO will match a number to a name in the directoy unless a name is supplied (ie QSIG trunk supplying extn nmae from other side). The RFC states that in the following invit packet segment (from above):
From: "07825363102" <sip:07825363102@as.hipcom.co.uk>;tag=13c7755-13c4-4c62b1aa-1909061e-b0fe84

The "07825363102" part is the name field. Therefore a name is supplied and the IPO displays as such. the means the directory match you can see happening in Monitor is being overridden by the "name" supplied by the SIP provider.

I have puched hard for a fix on the and had my GRIP request accepted. All I can say is this will change in the future, I just don't know when that will be yet. I'm still waiting to find that out!!

If I do find out, I'll try to remember to post back.

Jamie Green

Football is not a matter of life and death-It is far more important!!!!
Thanks Jamie. I'm also in on the GRIP now too, so if I hear anything I'll also try and remember to do the same. Ta for the simple explanation.
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