I'm wanting to filter out some of the folders on our Notes server. We are using the Notes agent but this lists all the databases in one stupid long list which makes it very difficult to remove some folders from the backup.
When specifying a directory filter does this exclude subdirectories of the directory you specify or do you need to specify them individually?
For example:
If I exclude d:\lotus\domino\data in my filer will folder1 and folder2 be excluded as well or do I need to specify the entire path for all of them?
I've poured over the help documents for this but they really don't explain it very well at all.
Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
When specifying a directory filter does this exclude subdirectories of the directory you specify or do you need to specify them individually?
For example:
If I exclude d:\lotus\domino\data in my filer will folder1 and folder2 be excluded as well or do I need to specify the entire path for all of them?
I've poured over the help documents for this but they really don't explain it very well at all.
Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.