First doubt: (Acess)
How to put a video (.mov)?
I’m inserting it by OLE Objects – Create from file
How to put an image (.jpg)?
I’m inserting by OLE Objects – Create new from Bitmap Image
Second doubt: (Director)
set sqlString= "SELECT video FROM videogesto WHERE IDgesto = 1"
erase member 53
DGRSImportResource(member 53, "video", rsHandle)
This is the function to import the image and the video.
Instead of just giving the image for IDgesto 1, we can see the same image for all IDgestos.
Third doubt: (Director)
It is possible to put on the same code several sqlString?
set sqlString= "SELECT designacao FROM gesto WHERE designacao = '" & pesquisa & "'"
set sqlString= "SELECT video FROM videogesto WHERE IDgesto = 1"
We want to retrieve text, video and images at the same frame on different casts members.
It is possible?
Thank you.
First doubt: (Acess)
How to put a video (.mov)?
I’m inserting it by OLE Objects – Create from file
How to put an image (.jpg)?
I’m inserting by OLE Objects – Create new from Bitmap Image
Second doubt: (Director)
set sqlString= "SELECT video FROM videogesto WHERE IDgesto = 1"
erase member 53
DGRSImportResource(member 53, "video", rsHandle)
This is the function to import the image and the video.
Instead of just giving the image for IDgesto 1, we can see the same image for all IDgestos.
Third doubt: (Director)
It is possible to put on the same code several sqlString?
set sqlString= "SELECT designacao FROM gesto WHERE designacao = '" & pesquisa & "'"
set sqlString= "SELECT video FROM videogesto WHERE IDgesto = 1"
We want to retrieve text, video and images at the same frame on different casts members.
It is possible?
Thank you.