Hi extra knowledgable ones!
My question is simple and with good intention.
I have an html page with 4 buttons btn_A, btn_b, btn_c, btn_d.
If I was able to post a variable such as var_A = labelA for btn_A when I pushed the button in the html file and send the url to the page I have my flash file on.
Then in the first frame of my flash movie get the var_A
if (var_A == "lableA"){
}else if{
(var_A ==("labelB"){
}else if{
(var_A ==("labelC"){
}else if{
(var_A ==("labelD"){
Am I off here? Is there any tutorial or help pages on this?
This is all I can think of so far.
I'd gladly pay you on Thursday
for a hamburger today!
My question is simple and with good intention.
I have an html page with 4 buttons btn_A, btn_b, btn_c, btn_d.
If I was able to post a variable such as var_A = labelA for btn_A when I pushed the button in the html file and send the url to the page I have my flash file on.
Then in the first frame of my flash movie get the var_A
if (var_A == "lableA"){
}else if{
(var_A ==("labelB"){
}else if{
(var_A ==("labelC"){
}else if{
(var_A ==("labelD"){
Am I off here? Is there any tutorial or help pages on this?
This is all I can think of so far.
I'd gladly pay you on Thursday
for a hamburger today!