This article is apparently the best method for emailing within Director:
What I got out of it was that if I download the DirectEmail Xtra ( ) and then download the sample movie ( ) and open the sample movie, I should be able to email from this movie. It's not working! When I play the movie, I get an error: "Script error: Handler not defined. RegisterDirectEmail(), #RegisterDirectEmail"
I'm a beginner and have NO clue as to why this error would come up. I pasted the Xtras I downloaded into the Xtras folder in the same directory as my movie, yet it still isn't working.
Any ideas?
Thanks alot!
What I got out of it was that if I download the DirectEmail Xtra ( ) and then download the sample movie ( ) and open the sample movie, I should be able to email from this movie. It's not working! When I play the movie, I get an error: "Script error: Handler not defined. RegisterDirectEmail(), #RegisterDirectEmail"
I'm a beginner and have NO clue as to why this error would come up. I pasted the Xtras I downloaded into the Xtras folder in the same directory as my movie, yet it still isn't working.
Any ideas?
Thanks alot!