I have a customer, that has a Partner system R4.1 w/ Voicemail R5, that wants to send a voice mail direct to an extension without it ringing at the extension.
Can this be programmed?
You can send an outside call directly to a mailbox with Feature 14 and the extension number (put Feature 14 on a button and label it "Voice Mail Transfer")
You can send a voice mail message to another mailbox by logging into your own mailbox and pressing 1 to send a message (if you have Partner Mail or Partner Messaging, NOT Partner Mail VS or Partner Voice Messaging PC Card)
If you have a message in your own mailbox you can forward it to another mailbox, by pressing 12 during or after playback (again, only Partner Mail or Partner Messaging)
The only thing you cannot do is pick up your handset, and send a call directly into a mailbox, unless the other extension is in Do Not Disturb
It is Partner Mail VS. The customer wants to send a voice mail to any of his employees from his extension, without it ringing the extension. This is an in-house operation, not transfering an outside call to voice mail.
So, from your message, this cannot be done ????
He came from a Legend system, where he says he could do it.
Yup, Legend has "Direct to Voice Mail" that lets you press the button, dial the extension number, and hit the mailbox. Partner has "Transfer to Voice Mail" that can only send an outside call.
I think VS R-5 lets you log into your mailbox and press 1 to send a message, but I'd have to look it up to be sure.
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