Hey, this problem has been bugging me for a while now. I want to be able to dynamically change the size of the sprites in a DirectDraw game I'm making, without having fifty textures for each sprite. I found that you can blit in a box larger or smaller than the original sprite and DirectX will resize it for you. My problem is that the transparency color i'm using ( hot pink, RGB(255, 0, 255 ) ) seems to mesh with this and when I change the size of my sprites they all have a pink outline around them! It seems that directdraw is using the transparent color for the stretch operation and averaging a bit, i.e RGB(252, 0, 253) and changing it to that..which isn't set as transparent. This doesn't seem to happen when I'm in 8 bit palettized mode but thats not the mode I want! I tried other transparent colors and the same happens, it puts an outline around the sprite with that color. Is there a way to tell directX that I don't want it to use the transparent color when it averages out the pixels or whatever it does without specifying multiple color keys? Or am I going to have to change the name of my game to "pretty pink ponies"? Thanks, I know this was a long post.