I need to select only the files in a directory where the first 9 characters in the file name match the values in a recordset, and copy these files to another directory. I've tried using two Dir()'s in short sequence (one inside a nested loop) to use alternately for the source folder and the destination folder, but that didn't go so well (any examples of how to do this would be greatly appreciated).
Now I am trying to add the full file names to an array when the above match with the recordset is made, then later use a dir to copy the files over in a separate block of code altogether (hoping that works).
I'm not used to using Dir() and I'm getting some unexpected behavior. After my code correctly adds the first matching file name to the array, the variable strCurrentFile correctly changes to the next file name in the directory when this line of code fires:
strCurrentFile = Dir(strSourcePath & "*.*")
but then strangely changes back to the previous value when the next line fires:
strCurrentFile = Dir
I'm sure there has to be a better way of doing what I'm trying to do. The code below needs some other changes I know, but for now I just need something that does the job.
'Initialize variable to iterate through array elements
a = 0
Do While Not rstFileNamePrefixes.EOF
strCurrentFile = Dir(strSourcePath & "*.*")
strCurrentFile = Dir
Do While strCurrentFile <> ""
'Initialize variable for control flow logic.
i = 0
If Left(strCurrentFile, 9) = rstFileNamePrefixes.Fields(0) Then
'Populate the array with the file name.
If Not fs.FileExists(strDestPath & strCurrentFile) Then
arFileFullNames(a) = strCurrentFile
i = i + 1
a = a + 1
End If
End If
If i > 0 Then
'Start going through the recordset again from the beginning.
'Get out of the current Do Loop so the Dir can pull then next _
file name.
Exit Do
ElseIf Not rstFileNamePrefixes.EOF Then
'Compare the same file name with the next element in recordset
End If