I am Shelling two commands out to Dos and then exporting that into a text fille then reading in that file, Just wandering if anyone had a better solution.
Dir " & Range("Search"
& " /A
/S /B >C:\Temp\DirCommand.txt
The /A
will bring back only Directorys (Only things I need)
The /S Will Go through ALL subdirectories
The /B Will give it a Bare Format so no sizes etc.
SHOWACLS """ & SearchString & """ >C:\Temp\ACLResult.txt
This will bring Back the fodler security settings for the folder (SearchString), it brings it back in the followin format:
Work\D_INFOSYS Change [RWXD]
Work\M_Admins Full Control [ALL]
Work\M_GroupData Full Control [ALL]
Work\Domain Admins Full Control [ALL]
Where it is in the format:
Domain is not requiired and is removed from these results.
I am just looking for better/Quicker ways to do this. Thanks
I am Shelling two commands out to Dos and then exporting that into a text fille then reading in that file, Just wandering if anyone had a better solution.
Dir " & Range("Search"
The /A
The /S Will Go through ALL subdirectories
The /B Will give it a Bare Format so no sizes etc.
SHOWACLS """ & SearchString & """ >C:\Temp\ACLResult.txt
This will bring Back the fodler security settings for the folder (SearchString), it brings it back in the followin format:
Work\D_INFOSYS Change [RWXD]
Work\M_Admins Full Control [ALL]
Work\M_GroupData Full Control [ALL]
Work\Domain Admins Full Control [ALL]
Where it is in the format:
Domain is not requiired and is removed from these results.
I am just looking for better/Quicker ways to do this. Thanks