this must be a common problem, but I the solution i've used in the past is now not working. i'm trying to display a url from a db created in Access 2000. For ages, the following code has worked, but now in the past few weeks, I get an error message on my site, along these lines...
"Complex object types cannot be converted to simple values." and so on...
I guess my webhost changed the version of CF server or something, but now I've tried many things to get rid of the age old "#" from URLs in Access, but nothing works. Now I've had to modify the page, to where I atleast get the web link to show up, but still with the #s around it. Here's the code that used to work but for some reason doesn't work now.
<!--- Locate the web address - it's surrounded by "#" ---> <cfset stURL = REFind('##(.)*##', HoaURL, 1, true)>
<!--- Get the URL and remove the "#" so we can display it --->
<cfset URL = Mid(HoaURL, stURL.pos[1] + 1, stURL.len[1] - 2>
<a href="#URL#" target="_blank">#URL#</a><br>
"Complex object types cannot be converted to simple values." and so on...
I guess my webhost changed the version of CF server or something, but now I've tried many things to get rid of the age old "#" from URLs in Access, but nothing works. Now I've had to modify the page, to where I atleast get the web link to show up, but still with the #s around it. Here's the code that used to work but for some reason doesn't work now.
<!--- Locate the web address - it's surrounded by "#" ---> <cfset stURL = REFind('##(.)*##', HoaURL, 1, true)>
<!--- Get the URL and remove the "#" so we can display it --->
<cfset URL = Mid(HoaURL, stURL.pos[1] + 1, stURL.len[1] - 2>
<a href="#URL#" target="_blank">#URL#</a><br>