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dinamic sql variable problem

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Jul 22, 2006
i have a problem with dinamic sql, pls help
i want to dinamycally update a table from my database
this is the code i wrote so far:

declare @temp char
set @temp = Cast(@nr_crt as char)
declare @Result varchar (8000)
select column_name into #temp from information_schema.columns where table_name=''+@a+''
select @Result = IsNull(@Result+', ','')+column_name+'=''+@'+column_name+'+''' From #temp where column_name <> 'nr_crt'
print (@Result) --this is for testing
exec ('update '+@a+' set '+@Result+' where nr_crt='+@temp)

@a is the table name
the @result variable looks like this for the table test with columns nr_crt, nume, prenume, meserie:
nume='+@nume+', prenume='+@prenume+', meserie='+@meserie+'

this code works in the way that it puts at a certain nr_crt (for example 1) in a certain table (for example test) the values:

nr_crt nume prenume meserie
1 +@nume+ +@prenume+ +@meserie+

:) but i want to put the values of the variable @nume, @prenume, @meserie not the string '+@nume+'
i want the exec command to see the variables, like it does with @a and @temp
if i use print instead of exec it returns:

update test set nume='+@nume+', prenume='+@prenume+', meserie='+@meserie+' where nr_crt=1

for @a=test and @nr_crt=1 but the rest of the values i imput doesn't see them as variables
can u help me pls?
@result still contains variable markers, which are not evaluated at the exec level. You'll have to concatenate the field names and values literally into the @result variable for this to work.

Phil Hegedusich
Senior Programmer/Analyst
I'll have the roast duck with the mango salsa.
first of all, the columns are evaluated by exec, that's why in my table it updates the fields with the string +@nume+,...
and second, i can't concatenate values because i give the table dinamicaly.
that's what i'm asking, can it be done?
i declare the variables and serve them to the procedure, but the exec doesn't see them, why?
is there a way to do it?
Once again: The variables are not visible to the EXEC function because it's on a different level from the declaration (read the error msg to see what level number).

Try using sp_executesql and passing the variables to the SP.

Phil Hegedusich
Senior Programmer/Analyst
I'll have the roast duck with the mango salsa.
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