WHat do people recommend as best practise for modelling relationships between dimensions (independent of facts) - thinking of things like customer and geography eg customer x is in Austin TX and that is recorded in the customer dimension but Austin also exists in the geography dimension with other info like state, region etc. You would want to make sure there was integrity between these objects and be able to do useful reporting like say how many customers do I have in Texas in cities above 2m population etc without running the risk that someone had mispelt the attribute value.
You don't want to embed more than the minimal geography info in teh customer record because geography (perhaps not the best example as it doesn't change [much] over time) also would apply to supplier etc so would you put the natural key of the geography dim record (presumably not the SK) into the customer dimension?
You don't want to embed more than the minimal geography info in teh customer record because geography (perhaps not the best example as it doesn't change [much] over time) also would apply to supplier etc so would you put the natural key of the geography dim record (presumably not the SK) into the customer dimension?