i have a simple question
i hope someone can answer
in access 2000
the expression: dim db as Database
doesn t work?
why it keep giving me error
what is weird is that it works with a base i upgraded from access95 (version 7), in access 2000, howeveri f i create new base in 2000, or i import all the modules and forms...from that base into a new one, it doesn t work
can anyone explain to me why? and give me asolution as well
thank you
Lina Chebli
i have a simple question
i hope someone can answer
in access 2000
the expression: dim db as Database
doesn t work?
why it keep giving me error
what is weird is that it works with a base i upgraded from access95 (version 7), in access 2000, howeveri f i create new base in 2000, or i import all the modules and forms...from that base into a new one, it doesn t work
can anyone explain to me why? and give me asolution as well
thank you
Lina Chebli