Hi there I have a query which is used to search a database for judgements. Each judgements can have many Categories and each category can have many subcategories.
However I only want distinct judgements without losing the join. Can anyone show me how to amend my query so that it only pulls off distinct judgements.
select, sc.[description] as subcategory, sc.[id] as subcatid, c.[description] as category, c.num as catid,
j.file_no_1 + ' ' + j.file_no_2 + ' ' + j.file_no_3 as 'filenumber'
from judgment j
left join subcategoryjudgementmap sjm on = sjm.judgement_id
left join subcategory sc on sjm.subcategory_id =
left join category c on sc.parent_num = c.num
where j.[id] = @DecisionId
However I only want distinct judgements without losing the join. Can anyone show me how to amend my query so that it only pulls off distinct judgements.