I don't understand the following as I am new to this stuff
I am using code I found from the net to link 3 mysql tables
to each other, which I think I have got a handle on but I
want to use sessions to transfer my info to other pages. In
this example they use the post method eg. isset($_POST
['lstMake']), first of all i didn't realise that you could
do this to pass information to other pages, I thought that
sessions had to be used for this purpose. If I changed the
POST values to SESSIONS would this suffice. Could someone
please explain the difference between sending variables
---------------------------- Code -------------------------
<title>JSRS Select Demo</title>
<script language="javascript" src="jsrsClient.js"></script>
<script language="javascript" src="selectphp.js"></script>
#sel {width:100%;margin: 0px auto 0px auto;}
#show {background-color:darkgray;width:80%;height:45px;text-align:center;margin-top:15px;padding-top:10px;}
$interest = isset($_POST['lstMake']) ? $_POST['lstMake'] : -99;
$subject = isset($_POST['lstModel']) ? $_POST['lstModel'] : -99;
$levels = isset($_POST['lstOptions']) ? $_POST['lstOptions'] : -99;
<body onload="preselect('<?php echo $interest;?>', '<?php echo $subject;?>', '<?php echo $levels;?>', 1);" onhelp="jsrsDebugInfo();return false;">
<h2>JSRS Select Box Filling Demo - page #1</h2>
<form name="QForm" method="post" action="./result.php">
<div id="sel">
<table class="normal" width="575" BORDER="0" CELLSPACING="2" CELLPADDING="2" VALIGN="TOP">
SelectBox ("Interest", "lstMake");
SelectBox ("Subject", "lstModel");
SelectBox ("Level", "lstOptions");
<div id="show">
<input type="submit" name="cmdSubmit" value="Submit" id="cmdSubmit" title="Show selects with preselected values" style="" /><br />
(submits to second page which preselects current values in another form like this)
Make your selections. Dependent selections will be filled with data from the server.
Change selections and dependencies will change.
<a href=jsrs_select.zip>Download</a> the files for this Select Demo.
<a href=select_rs.php.txt>View</a> the source for the server-side file Select_rs.PHP
<a href=" to Brent's Remote Scripting page.
function SelectBox( $Label, $selectName ){
<td width="15%"><?php echo $Label ?></td>
<td align="left">
<select name="<?php echo $selectName ?>">
<option>--------- Not Yet Loaded ---------</option>
------------------------ End of Code -----------------------
I am using code I found from the net to link 3 mysql tables
to each other, which I think I have got a handle on but I
want to use sessions to transfer my info to other pages. In
this example they use the post method eg. isset($_POST
['lstMake']), first of all i didn't realise that you could
do this to pass information to other pages, I thought that
sessions had to be used for this purpose. If I changed the
POST values to SESSIONS would this suffice. Could someone
please explain the difference between sending variables
---------------------------- Code -------------------------
<title>JSRS Select Demo</title>
<script language="javascript" src="jsrsClient.js"></script>
<script language="javascript" src="selectphp.js"></script>
#sel {width:100%;margin: 0px auto 0px auto;}
#show {background-color:darkgray;width:80%;height:45px;text-align:center;margin-top:15px;padding-top:10px;}
$interest = isset($_POST['lstMake']) ? $_POST['lstMake'] : -99;
$subject = isset($_POST['lstModel']) ? $_POST['lstModel'] : -99;
$levels = isset($_POST['lstOptions']) ? $_POST['lstOptions'] : -99;
<body onload="preselect('<?php echo $interest;?>', '<?php echo $subject;?>', '<?php echo $levels;?>', 1);" onhelp="jsrsDebugInfo();return false;">
<h2>JSRS Select Box Filling Demo - page #1</h2>
<form name="QForm" method="post" action="./result.php">
<div id="sel">
<table class="normal" width="575" BORDER="0" CELLSPACING="2" CELLPADDING="2" VALIGN="TOP">
SelectBox ("Interest", "lstMake");
SelectBox ("Subject", "lstModel");
SelectBox ("Level", "lstOptions");
<div id="show">
<input type="submit" name="cmdSubmit" value="Submit" id="cmdSubmit" title="Show selects with preselected values" style="" /><br />
(submits to second page which preselects current values in another form like this)
Make your selections. Dependent selections will be filled with data from the server.
Change selections and dependencies will change.
<a href=jsrs_select.zip>Download</a> the files for this Select Demo.
<a href=select_rs.php.txt>View</a> the source for the server-side file Select_rs.PHP
<a href=" to Brent's Remote Scripting page.
function SelectBox( $Label, $selectName ){
<td width="15%"><?php echo $Label ?></td>
<td align="left">
<select name="<?php echo $selectName ?>">
<option>--------- Not Yet Loaded ---------</option>
------------------------ End of Code -----------------------