I’m a VC++ developer that is going to distribute exactly 10 licenses of an ActiveX control I’ve done. I would like to make the ActiveX itself freely available on for e.g. a public ftp-server. So, about 100 users have may installed my ActiveX but because my customer just bought license for 10, only 10 users should bee able to use it at the same time.
I’ve figured of this a lot and have found out that all controls may have some connection to a server that “allow” them to run. If that’s a good thought, how should I design that “server-program”?
Would be very pleased of tips of where to find different ways to handle license and login techniques!
In which way is preferred to handle my problem? All thoughts are helpful!
I’m a VC++ developer that is going to distribute exactly 10 licenses of an ActiveX control I’ve done. I would like to make the ActiveX itself freely available on for e.g. a public ftp-server. So, about 100 users have may installed my ActiveX but because my customer just bought license for 10, only 10 users should bee able to use it at the same time.
I’ve figured of this a lot and have found out that all controls may have some connection to a server that “allow” them to run. If that’s a good thought, how should I design that “server-program”?
Would be very pleased of tips of where to find different ways to handle license and login techniques!
In which way is preferred to handle my problem? All thoughts are helpful!