The test project listed below is from the Developer’s Workshop for VB6 book, and was intended to print text at different angles in a picture box. I adapted it to also send the output to the printer, and, although it works fine whilst running from within the VB5 environment, once I compile the project and run the .EXE file the printer fails to do as it was told. I would be pleased if anyone could try this project, (paste the listings into the appropriate Form and Class Module as described), and let me know if the same problem arises, or better still, why it won’t work for my printer.<br>
Here is the code for the project.<br>
The form FrmRotate contains a Picture Box called PicTest.<br>
Clicking PicTest will result in some text being printed at various angles on both the Picture Box and the Printer.<br>
Ian. <br>
~~~~~~~~Class Module : Rotator~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~<br>
Option Explicit<br>
'API constants<br>
Private Const LF_FACESIZE = 32<br>
Private Const LOGPIXELSY = 90<br>
Private Type LOGFONT<br>
lfHeight As Long<br>
lfWidth As Long<br>
lfEscapement As Long<br>
lfOrientation As Long<br>
lfWeight As Long<br>
lfItalic As Byte<br>
lfUnderline As Byte<br>
lsngStrikeOut As Byte<br>
lfCharSet As Byte<br>
lfOutPrecision As Byte<br>
lfClipPrecision As Byte<br>
lfQuality As Byte<br>
lsngPitchAndFamily As Byte<br>
lfFaceName(LF_FACESIZE - 1) As Byte<br>
End Type<br>
Private Declare Function SelectObject _<br>
Lib "gdi32" ( _<br>
ByVal hdc As Long, _<br>
ByVal hObject As Long _<br>
) As Long<br>
Private Declare Function DeleteObject _<br>
Lib "gdi32" ( _<br>
ByVal hObject As Long _<br>
) As Long<br>
Private Declare Function CreateFontIndirect _<br>
Lib "gdi32" Alias "CreateFontIndirectA" ( _<br>
lpLogFont As LOGFONT _<br>
) As Long<br>
Private Declare Function TextOut _<br>
Lib "gdi32" Alias "TextOutA" ( _<br>
ByVal hdc As Long, _<br>
ByVal x As Long, _<br>
ByVal y As Long, _<br>
ByVal lpString As String, _<br>
ByVal nCount As Long _<br>
) As Long<br>
Private Declare Function GetDeviceCaps _<br>
Lib "gdi32" ( _<br>
ByVal hdc As Long, _<br>
ByVal intIndex As Long _<br>
) As Long<br>
'Module-level private variables<br>
Private mobjDevice As Object<br>
Private msngSX1 As Single<br>
Private msngSY1 As Single<br>
Private msngXRatio As Single<br>
Private msngYRatio As Single<br>
Private mlfFont As LOGFONT<br>
Private mintAngle As Integer<br>
Property Let Angle(intAngle As Integer)<br>
mintAngle = intAngle<br>
End Property<br>
Property Get Angle() As Integer<br>
Angle = mintAngle<br>
End Property<br>
Public Sub Label(sText As String)<br>
Dim lngFont As Long<br>
Dim lngOldFont As Long<br>
Dim lngRes As Long<br>
Dim bytBuf() As Byte<br>
Dim intI As Integer<br>
Dim strFontName As String<br>
'Prepare font name, decoding from Unicode<br>
strFontName = mobjDevice.Font.Name<br>
bytBuf = StrConv(strFontName & Chr$(0), vbFromUnicode)<br>
For intI = 0 To UBound(bytBuf)<br>
mlfFont.lfFaceName(intI) = bytBuf(intI)<br>
Next intI<br>
'Convert known font size to required units<br>
mlfFont.lfHeight = mobjDevice.Font.Size * _<br>
GetDeviceCaps(mobjDevice.hdc, LOGPIXELSY) \ 72<br>
'Set Italic or not<br>
If mobjDevice.Font.Italic = True Then<br>
mlfFont.lfItalic = 1<br>
mlfFont.lfItalic = 0<br>
End If<br>
'Set Underline or not<br>
If mobjDevice.Font.Underline = True Then<br>
mlfFont.lfUnderline = 1<br>
mlfFont.lfUnderline = 0<br>
End If<br>
'Set Strikethrough or not<br>
If mobjDevice.Font.Strikethrough = True Then<br>
mlfFont.lsngStrikeOut = 1<br>
mlfFont.lsngStrikeOut = 0<br>
End If<br>
'Set Bold or not (use font's weight)<br>
mlfFont.lfWeight = mobjDevice.Font.Weight<br>
'Set font rotation angle<br>
mlfFont.lfEscapement = CLng(mintAngle * 10#)<br>
mlfFont.lfOrientation = mlfFont.lfEscapement<br>
'Build temporary new font and output the string<br>
lngFont = CreateFontIndirect(mlfFont)<br>
lngOldFont = SelectObject(mobjDevice.hdc, lngFont)<br>
lngRes = TextOut(mobjDevice.hdc, XtoP(mobjDevice.CurrentX), _<br>
YtoP(mobjDevice.CurrentY), sText, Len(sText))<br>
lngFont = SelectObject(mobjDevice.hdc, lngOldFont)<br>
DeleteObject lngFont<br>
End Sub<br>
Property Set Device(objDevice As Object)<br>
Dim sngSX2 As Single<br>
Dim sngSY2 As Single<br>
Dim sngPX2 As Single<br>
Dim sngPY2 As Single<br>
Dim intScaleMode As Integer<br>
Set mobjDevice = objDevice<br>
With mobjDevice<br>
'Grab current scaling parameters<br>
intScaleMode = .ScaleMode<br>
msngSX1 = .ScaleLeft<br>
msngSY1 = .ScaleTop<br>
sngSX2 = msngSX1 + .ScaleWidth<br>
sngSY2 = msngSY1 + .ScaleHeight<br>
'Temporarily set pixels mode<br>
.ScaleMode = vbPixels<br>
'Grab pixel scaling parameters<br>
sngPX2 = .ScaleWidth<br>
sngPY2 = .ScaleHeight<br>
'Reset user's original scale<br>
If intScaleMode = 0 Then<br>
mobjDevice.Scale (msngSX1, msngSY1)-(sngSX2, sngSY2)<br>
mobjDevice.ScaleMode = intScaleMode<br>
End If<br>
'Calculate scaling ratios just once<br>
msngXRatio = sngPX2 / (sngSX2 - msngSX1)<br>
msngYRatio = sngPY2 / (sngSY2 - msngSY1)<br>
End With<br>
End Property<br>
'Scales X value to pixel location<br>
Private Function XtoP(sngX As Single) As Long<br>
XtoP = (sngX - msngSX1) * msngXRatio<br>
End Function<br>
'Scales Y value to pixel location<br>
Private Function YtoP(sngY As Single) As Long<br>
YtoP = (sngY - msngSY1) * msngYRatio<br>
End Function<br>
~~~~~End Of Class Module ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~<br>
~~~~~FrmRotate Code follows~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~<br>
Option Explicit<br>
Dim rotTest As New Rotator<br>
Private Sub picTest_Click()<br>
Dim intA As Integer<br>
'Prepare the font in the picture box<br>
PicTest.Scale (-1, -1)-(1, 1)<br>
With PicTest<br>
.CurrentX = 0<br>
.CurrentY = 0<br>
With .Font<br>
.Name = "Courier New"<br>
.Size = 10<br>
'.Bold = True<br>
'.Italic = True<br>
'.Strikethrough = True<br>
'.Underline = True<br>
'.Weight = 1000<br>
End With<br>
End With<br>
'Connect Rotator object to the picture box<br>
Set rotTest.Device = PicTest<br>
'Label strings at a variety of angles<br>
For intA = 10 To 359 Step 15<br>
rotTest.Angle = intA<br>
rotTest.Label Space(4) & PicTest.Font.Name & Str(intA)<br>
Next intA<br>
Printer.Scale (-1, -1)-(1, 1)<br>
With Printer<br>
.CurrentX = 0<br>
.CurrentY = 0<br>
With .Font<br>
.Name = "Courier New"<br>
.Size = 10<br>
'.Bold = True<br>
'.Italic = True<br>
'.Strikethrough = True<br>
'.Underline = True<br>
'.Weight = 1000<br>
End With<br>
End With<br>
'Connect Rotator object to the picture box<br>
Set rotTest.Device = Printer<br>
'Label strings at a variety of angles<br>
For intA = 10 To 359 Step 15<br>
rotTest.Angle = intA<br>
rotTest.Label Space(4) & Printer.Font.Name & Str(intA)<br>
Next intA<br>
End Sub<br>
~~~~~End Of FrmRotate~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~<br>
Here is the code for the project.<br>
The form FrmRotate contains a Picture Box called PicTest.<br>
Clicking PicTest will result in some text being printed at various angles on both the Picture Box and the Printer.<br>
Ian. <br>
~~~~~~~~Class Module : Rotator~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~<br>
Option Explicit<br>
'API constants<br>
Private Const LF_FACESIZE = 32<br>
Private Const LOGPIXELSY = 90<br>
Private Type LOGFONT<br>
lfHeight As Long<br>
lfWidth As Long<br>
lfEscapement As Long<br>
lfOrientation As Long<br>
lfWeight As Long<br>
lfItalic As Byte<br>
lfUnderline As Byte<br>
lsngStrikeOut As Byte<br>
lfCharSet As Byte<br>
lfOutPrecision As Byte<br>
lfClipPrecision As Byte<br>
lfQuality As Byte<br>
lsngPitchAndFamily As Byte<br>
lfFaceName(LF_FACESIZE - 1) As Byte<br>
End Type<br>
Private Declare Function SelectObject _<br>
Lib "gdi32" ( _<br>
ByVal hdc As Long, _<br>
ByVal hObject As Long _<br>
) As Long<br>
Private Declare Function DeleteObject _<br>
Lib "gdi32" ( _<br>
ByVal hObject As Long _<br>
) As Long<br>
Private Declare Function CreateFontIndirect _<br>
Lib "gdi32" Alias "CreateFontIndirectA" ( _<br>
lpLogFont As LOGFONT _<br>
) As Long<br>
Private Declare Function TextOut _<br>
Lib "gdi32" Alias "TextOutA" ( _<br>
ByVal hdc As Long, _<br>
ByVal x As Long, _<br>
ByVal y As Long, _<br>
ByVal lpString As String, _<br>
ByVal nCount As Long _<br>
) As Long<br>
Private Declare Function GetDeviceCaps _<br>
Lib "gdi32" ( _<br>
ByVal hdc As Long, _<br>
ByVal intIndex As Long _<br>
) As Long<br>
'Module-level private variables<br>
Private mobjDevice As Object<br>
Private msngSX1 As Single<br>
Private msngSY1 As Single<br>
Private msngXRatio As Single<br>
Private msngYRatio As Single<br>
Private mlfFont As LOGFONT<br>
Private mintAngle As Integer<br>
Property Let Angle(intAngle As Integer)<br>
mintAngle = intAngle<br>
End Property<br>
Property Get Angle() As Integer<br>
Angle = mintAngle<br>
End Property<br>
Public Sub Label(sText As String)<br>
Dim lngFont As Long<br>
Dim lngOldFont As Long<br>
Dim lngRes As Long<br>
Dim bytBuf() As Byte<br>
Dim intI As Integer<br>
Dim strFontName As String<br>
'Prepare font name, decoding from Unicode<br>
strFontName = mobjDevice.Font.Name<br>
bytBuf = StrConv(strFontName & Chr$(0), vbFromUnicode)<br>
For intI = 0 To UBound(bytBuf)<br>
mlfFont.lfFaceName(intI) = bytBuf(intI)<br>
Next intI<br>
'Convert known font size to required units<br>
mlfFont.lfHeight = mobjDevice.Font.Size * _<br>
GetDeviceCaps(mobjDevice.hdc, LOGPIXELSY) \ 72<br>
'Set Italic or not<br>
If mobjDevice.Font.Italic = True Then<br>
mlfFont.lfItalic = 1<br>
mlfFont.lfItalic = 0<br>
End If<br>
'Set Underline or not<br>
If mobjDevice.Font.Underline = True Then<br>
mlfFont.lfUnderline = 1<br>
mlfFont.lfUnderline = 0<br>
End If<br>
'Set Strikethrough or not<br>
If mobjDevice.Font.Strikethrough = True Then<br>
mlfFont.lsngStrikeOut = 1<br>
mlfFont.lsngStrikeOut = 0<br>
End If<br>
'Set Bold or not (use font's weight)<br>
mlfFont.lfWeight = mobjDevice.Font.Weight<br>
'Set font rotation angle<br>
mlfFont.lfEscapement = CLng(mintAngle * 10#)<br>
mlfFont.lfOrientation = mlfFont.lfEscapement<br>
'Build temporary new font and output the string<br>
lngFont = CreateFontIndirect(mlfFont)<br>
lngOldFont = SelectObject(mobjDevice.hdc, lngFont)<br>
lngRes = TextOut(mobjDevice.hdc, XtoP(mobjDevice.CurrentX), _<br>
YtoP(mobjDevice.CurrentY), sText, Len(sText))<br>
lngFont = SelectObject(mobjDevice.hdc, lngOldFont)<br>
DeleteObject lngFont<br>
End Sub<br>
Property Set Device(objDevice As Object)<br>
Dim sngSX2 As Single<br>
Dim sngSY2 As Single<br>
Dim sngPX2 As Single<br>
Dim sngPY2 As Single<br>
Dim intScaleMode As Integer<br>
Set mobjDevice = objDevice<br>
With mobjDevice<br>
'Grab current scaling parameters<br>
intScaleMode = .ScaleMode<br>
msngSX1 = .ScaleLeft<br>
msngSY1 = .ScaleTop<br>
sngSX2 = msngSX1 + .ScaleWidth<br>
sngSY2 = msngSY1 + .ScaleHeight<br>
'Temporarily set pixels mode<br>
.ScaleMode = vbPixels<br>
'Grab pixel scaling parameters<br>
sngPX2 = .ScaleWidth<br>
sngPY2 = .ScaleHeight<br>
'Reset user's original scale<br>
If intScaleMode = 0 Then<br>
mobjDevice.Scale (msngSX1, msngSY1)-(sngSX2, sngSY2)<br>
mobjDevice.ScaleMode = intScaleMode<br>
End If<br>
'Calculate scaling ratios just once<br>
msngXRatio = sngPX2 / (sngSX2 - msngSX1)<br>
msngYRatio = sngPY2 / (sngSY2 - msngSY1)<br>
End With<br>
End Property<br>
'Scales X value to pixel location<br>
Private Function XtoP(sngX As Single) As Long<br>
XtoP = (sngX - msngSX1) * msngXRatio<br>
End Function<br>
'Scales Y value to pixel location<br>
Private Function YtoP(sngY As Single) As Long<br>
YtoP = (sngY - msngSY1) * msngYRatio<br>
End Function<br>
~~~~~End Of Class Module ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~<br>
~~~~~FrmRotate Code follows~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~<br>
Option Explicit<br>
Dim rotTest As New Rotator<br>
Private Sub picTest_Click()<br>
Dim intA As Integer<br>
'Prepare the font in the picture box<br>
PicTest.Scale (-1, -1)-(1, 1)<br>
With PicTest<br>
.CurrentX = 0<br>
.CurrentY = 0<br>
With .Font<br>
.Name = "Courier New"<br>
.Size = 10<br>
'.Bold = True<br>
'.Italic = True<br>
'.Strikethrough = True<br>
'.Underline = True<br>
'.Weight = 1000<br>
End With<br>
End With<br>
'Connect Rotator object to the picture box<br>
Set rotTest.Device = PicTest<br>
'Label strings at a variety of angles<br>
For intA = 10 To 359 Step 15<br>
rotTest.Angle = intA<br>
rotTest.Label Space(4) & PicTest.Font.Name & Str(intA)<br>
Next intA<br>
Printer.Scale (-1, -1)-(1, 1)<br>
With Printer<br>
.CurrentX = 0<br>
.CurrentY = 0<br>
With .Font<br>
.Name = "Courier New"<br>
.Size = 10<br>
'.Bold = True<br>
'.Italic = True<br>
'.Strikethrough = True<br>
'.Underline = True<br>
'.Weight = 1000<br>
End With<br>
End With<br>
'Connect Rotator object to the picture box<br>
Set rotTest.Device = Printer<br>
'Label strings at a variety of angles<br>
For intA = 10 To 359 Step 15<br>
rotTest.Angle = intA<br>
rotTest.Label Space(4) & Printer.Font.Name & Str(intA)<br>
Next intA<br>
End Sub<br>
~~~~~End Of FrmRotate~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~<br>