Hi all,
I want to have two levels : in one file I want all the DEBUG stuff of all classes, and in another file I want only the INFO+ messages.
All my classes are in the package divData2csv. Here is the beginning of my log4j.properties file :
The loggers I create are for example myLogger.divData2csv.Console, myLogger.divData2csv.dumper.CSVdumper, etc.
So if I understand well the way it's working, DEBUG messages should be processed by the log4j.logger.myLogger.divData2csv Logger (which should write everything in file_log_all appender), which then pass the messages to his parent, the log4j.logger.myLogger Logger (which should write only the INFO+ messages in file_log_normal appender).
But that's not what's happening : I get all the DEBUG and INFO messages in file_log_normal appender, while I was hoping to have only the INFO.
Anybody would know how I can manage to do this ?
I want to have two levels : in one file I want all the DEBUG stuff of all classes, and in another file I want only the INFO+ messages.
All my classes are in the package divData2csv. Here is the beginning of my log4j.properties file :
The loggers I create are for example myLogger.divData2csv.Console, myLogger.divData2csv.dumper.CSVdumper, etc.
So if I understand well the way it's working, DEBUG messages should be processed by the log4j.logger.myLogger.divData2csv Logger (which should write everything in file_log_all appender), which then pass the messages to his parent, the log4j.logger.myLogger Logger (which should write only the INFO+ messages in file_log_normal appender).
But that's not what's happening : I get all the DEBUG and INFO messages in file_log_normal appender, while I was hoping to have only the INFO.
Anybody would know how I can manage to do this ?