I hope I can explain this well...Here we go :-D..Lets say i have 9 buttons (we'll call them buttons 1-9 ) (BTW this is a site navigation question i suppose...its got nothing to do with a movie sequence Iguess??)...back to my question..so when the user clicks on any of the buttons i want the whole set of buttons to move down and then a sub-menu pops up...then if the user wants to click on the submenu..i want the items of the submenu to point to the frames of another movie which is going to hold the pictures of the products they are pointing to....then no matter what other of teh 8 buttons teh user clicks on i want that sub menu to fade and the new sub menu to pop up in its place...how do i do this without having 8 instances for each button where depending on which frame they are on then the button would send them to a new frame. I hope this question makes sense LOL