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differences between *ptr and &ref

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May 14, 2003
can anyone explain how pointers are different from references.
There are many differences. One of the most significant ones is that you can use the delete operator on a pointer… even if you shouldn’t.
int* pint = new int;
delete pint;             // fine
int n = 10;
pint = &n;
delete pint;             // not so fine but compiles (runtime error)
int j = 12;
int& k = j;              // references same memory as "j"
delete k;                // compile error

Also, pointers can be reassigned, whereas references must be assigned when they are declared and cannot be reassigned.
Reference is an alternative name(alias) to an object whereas a pointer points to an object.
The most popular use of references is in the case of functions where U pass function parameters by reference.

For instance,
int main(){
int n;
cout << n;
return 0;

void funct(int &k){ //equivalent to int &k = n;
k = 1;

k here is just another name for the object n.

int *k = &p; // pointer.
//k is of type int* and stores the address
int &k = n; // reference.
// k is n renamed for that scope
// k is of type int NOT int*

int *pint; // only declares the pointer variable pint
pint = new int; //dynamically allocates memory to it.That is why a delete on it is justified.
delete pint; //fine

This coupled with the behaviours mentioned above should differentiate pointers and references.

Hope this helps.

The world would be a whole lot better if people saw it this way:
- If I get a reference, the variable-provider has to ensure the instance exist during my entire execution and is responible for the variable, I'm just borrowing it.
- If I get an auto-pointer, I take ownership and delete it when I'm finished.
- Passing pointers should be avoided, and only done if it is absolutely necessary (for example if the parameter is optional, you cant have a reference to something that's NULL).

These views are unfortunately not always the case (take MFC for example, where pointers get passed around quite irresponsibly).

if (typos) cout << &quot;My fingers are faster than my brain. Sorry for the typos.&quot;;
thanks to all of you, that helped a lot.
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