I am in search of a portable (sh) method for differential times, that includes dates. Essentially I need an accurate way to determining what time it was "N" minutes ago ...
The core problem is to scavange Solaris syslog /var/adm/messages for certain things, but only from the entries of of the past N minutes (probably 10 minutes), via a cron job ...
I've seen some fancy perl that i can't use. awk might do it, but I can't quite gte it working. And I've seen lots of DATE difference scripts, but I really need TIME dfference, and of course since I'm working with cron, I need to compare to that date format ... "May 8 01:59:59".
ANY help appreciated.
The core problem is to scavange Solaris syslog /var/adm/messages for certain things, but only from the entries of of the past N minutes (probably 10 minutes), via a cron job ...
I've seen some fancy perl that i can't use. awk might do it, but I can't quite gte it working. And I've seen lots of DATE difference scripts, but I really need TIME dfference, and of course since I'm working with cron, I need to compare to that date format ... "May 8 01:59:59".
ANY help appreciated.