I have been using the WROX book "Beginning ASP Databases. I keep coming up against these weird errors using the code as supplied by the book (downloaded in a zip file off the wrox website and opened in visual interdev)<br><br>here is the simple code:<br><br>dim oRS<br>set oRS=Server.CreateObject ("ADODB.recordset"<br>sqltext= "SELECT suite, phone"<br>sqltext= sqltext & " From PChookup ;"<br>oRS.Open sqltext, oConn<br><br>Response.Write "<table border = 1><TR><TD>"<br>Response.Write oRS.GetString (,-1,"</TD><TD>","</TD></TR><TR><TD>"," "<br>Response.Write "</TD></TR></table>"<br><br>'close oRS<br>oRS.Close<br><br>set oRS = nothing<br><br><br>---------------------------------<br>Notice how i have commented out the "close oRS"?<br>That was the original code as supplied. I kept getting errors stating that it was a type mismatch open.<br>I don't really know that much about ASP yet, but I just looked at the method that opened the oRS ( sqltext, oConn)<br>and tried to close it with <br>"oRS.close" then uploaded and ran the code again.<br><br>It worked perfectly with my change in that part of the code.<br><br>My question is: What would be the reason for the textbook supplied code NOT working on my server? I am running NT4.0 with service pack 5 and IIS 4.0, <br>Pervasive SQL server 7.0