Dec 12, 2006 #1 andreasa Technical User Jan 16, 2004 43 CY Did you know the latest Version of rcc on Bcm 3.7 rls. What is the latest rls of the Voicemail and rls of rcc must be on the bcmr 3.7
Did you know the latest Version of rcc on Bcm 3.7 rls. What is the latest rls of the Voicemail and rls of rcc must be on the bcmr 3.7
Dec 12, 2006 1 #2 biv343 Systems Engineer Apr 14, 2005 3,646 US RCC 2.4 - Build 344 is the latest. Requires BCM 3.7 - Voicemail Upvote 0 Downvote
Dec 12, 2006 Thread starter #3 andreasa Technical User Jan 16, 2004 43 CY If the rls of the voice mail is is ok the RCC 2.4 - Build 344 Upvote 0 Downvote
Dec 12, 2006 #4 biv343 Systems Engineer Apr 14, 2005 3,646 US A newer version shouldn't be a problem. There hasn't been a newer RCC client released for 3.7 yet. Upvote 0 Downvote