All - I'm having a bit of trouble understanding whether our current fax setup will allow DNIS digits to be passed from the PSTN to our fax server modems as DTMF.
--Two PRI's from PSTN terminate on separate VWIC-1MFT-T1 cards in a Cisco 2651XM router which is also our h.323 gateway.
--CallManager running v4.3
--Fax server has voice modems connected to Cisco VG248 ports.
I thought the VG248 could produce the DTMF digits after the modem answers but, if it can, I'm obviously unclear where or how this can be configured.
Could someone enlighten me or tell me if I'm wasting my time trying to do this?
--Two PRI's from PSTN terminate on separate VWIC-1MFT-T1 cards in a Cisco 2651XM router which is also our h.323 gateway.
--CallManager running v4.3
--Fax server has voice modems connected to Cisco VG248 ports.
I thought the VG248 could produce the DTMF digits after the modem answers but, if it can, I'm obviously unclear where or how this can be configured.
Could someone enlighten me or tell me if I'm wasting my time trying to do this?