I have site Nortel Option61 Rls.5.5, got 100 No DID/DOD range, customer wants to use for 500 users, how can I use this 100 no range for 500 phones, all incoming should answer by operator. Any User wants to use DOD should go by access code. Pls guide….
You will probably need to create or amend a IDC table in LD 49 that is listed against your incoming route. All the new DID numbers need to be added in and the destination will have to be set against the attendant operator or the analogue (500) type phones.
You could also route the DID's as VNR or you could make sure the INT Data is set for vacant number to the console then assign all of your 500 extensions something out of that range if not already done. Or build the IDC table, apply it to the route and send everything to the console.
In IDC table I can add 100 entry b/c I have 100 no of DID/DOD, failed to add all my 450 Exts. That is why I failed to allow access to other exts, the exts in IDC table can dial access only.
it's all same only copy mistake, I think my query not Possible, simple to say 100 numbers DID/DOD could not use by 450 users, I have to look another solution,
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