I want to Create a Dialog Box with 3 or more Selection Options. 2 with Radio Buttons and 1 DIR List Box. Once the user has selected the 3 Options, the user can Press an "Execute" Button to Process the Transaction or Press a "Reset" Button to Make Updates before the Execute Begins. Question here is, Do I need to go thru all of that or when the User Presses the "Execute", the Buttons Currently Pressed will be processed ?? Also how do you "Link" the Buttons together, so at Least One of Each Selection is Pressed before"Execute" can begin ?
Sorta Stupid, but still "FRESH" in the Aspect Waters !!
I want to Create a Dialog Box with 3 or more Selection Options. 2 with Radio Buttons and 1 DIR List Box. Once the user has selected the 3 Options, the user can Press an "Execute" Button to Process the Transaction or Press a "Reset" Button to Make Updates before the Execute Begins. Question here is, Do I need to go thru all of that or when the User Presses the "Execute", the Buttons Currently Pressed will be processed ?? Also how do you "Link" the Buttons together, so at Least One of Each Selection is Pressed before"Execute" can begin ?
Sorta Stupid, but still "FRESH" in the Aspect Waters !!