Where I work we have CCM/Unity Vr. 4.X. We've also got three active sites that are Managed by CISCO's phone system setup. Our location is the Corporate and the phone's are on from the time someone arrives till close, as for our other two locations the phones only need be turned on at 9 a.m. and off by 9 p.m. But the kicker is that the two locations have 4 phone lines a piece. On one location they have 1 number that doesn't obey the call times and is a number that the employees can call to tell someone they are going to be late or that they are sick and not able to make it into work.
out of these phone numbers I need one (XXX-8031) to disobey the call times so that the employees can call in if they need too. How would I go about doing this?
out of these phone numbers I need one (XXX-8031) to disobey the call times so that the employees can call in if they need too. How would I go about doing this?