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Dialing into SCO Unix 5.0.5 with Procomm 4.8

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Mar 7, 2000
Hi,<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;We are having a problem when dialing into a SCO 5.0.5 OpenServer Host computer from any communications program.&nbsp;&nbsp;After we log in if we type &quot;set&quot;, the TERM environmental variable says &quot;ansi&quot;.&nbsp;&nbsp;We have to type &quot;TERM=wy60&quot; and &quot;export TERM&quot; to change the TERM environmental variable. We have edited&nbsp;&nbsp;/etc/ttytype for the modem port to try to set the TERM environmental variable to &quot;wy60&quot; and tried the eval 'tset -s' command suggested in SCO's TA 104030 to no avail. We still have to type &quot;TERM=wy60&quot; and &quot;export TERM&quot; to log in to get our graphics from getting screwed up when we log in to the modem port. Any suggestions??<br>&gt;<br>Thanks in Advance,<br>&gt;<br>&gt;<br>&gt; Glenn Leaman<br>&gt;<br>&gt; (<A HREF="mailto:glenn@traksys.com">glenn@traksys.com</A>)<br>&gt;<br>&gt;<br><br>
Who are you logging in as?&nbsp;&nbsp;It might be worth checking the &quot;.profile&quot; for that user to see if it is setting TERM when you log in.&nbsp;&nbsp;If it isn't, then you might want to put your TERM setting in there. <p> <br><a href=mailto: > </a><br><a href= > </a><br>--<br>
0 1 - Just my two bits
do the eval tset in the user .profile. Comment out the existing tset command.And use back primes(not apostrophe). <p>Ed Fair<br><a href=mailto: > </a><br><a href= > </a><br>
Andy,<br><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Thanks for responding so quickly to my query. We have already tried logging in as root and making sure that in the .profile for root there is a TERM=wy60 and export TERM line. Any other ideas?&nbsp;&nbsp;<br>
Ed,<br><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Thanks for your response, I did not notice the back primes and I will try your suggestion Monday. If this does not work do you know of any other problems in SCO that could cause what I am running into?<br><br>Thanks,<br><br>Glenn
Unless there is a program that is overriding your terminal setting I can't think of anything that will upset your terminal settings.&nbsp;&nbsp;However, since this is a dialup, and I replied like it was a login, I need to look at a 5.0.5 to refresh my memory.&nbsp;&nbsp;Think I have one set up here. Will check and get back , probably Saturday. <p>Ed Fair<br><a href=mailto: > </a><br><a href= > </a><br>
Don't have dialin access set up. But did verify the operation.&nbsp;&nbsp;You should be able to comment out enough stuff in your user profile to stop login at the shell prompt. Run env to see what it sets up.&nbsp;&nbsp;Or alternatively, put env as a command in the profile, you should get the list. Or put several in with the output going to different files so you can follow the changes as they apply as the user comes up.<br>Setting the type and exporting in the profile should work also. You can use the same methods to track the problem.<br>The replacement line in the user profile is :<br>eval `tset -s`<br>and env should show the terminal type listed in /etc/ttytype. <p>Ed Fair<br><a href=mailto: > </a><br><a href= > </a><br>
Ed,<br><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Thank you for your suggestion. I edited .profile in root directory, (since I log in as root) and added eval `tset -s` to the .profile file. I then logged out and came back in. I typed set and env and TERM=ansi, not wy60 as set in my /etc/ttytype file for that port still showed up. I still have to manually set the port with a TERM= and export TERM statement at the # sign after I log in as root. Let me know if you see the same thing when you get dialup working.<br><br>Thanks<br><br>Glenn
was the original ttytype &quot;dialup&quot;? Something isn't adding up here. Your .profile in / refers to root login only.&nbsp;&nbsp;tty01 thru tty12 should be ansi,&nbsp;&nbsp;should be 3 others before that and unknown and dialup for serial ports if I remember correctly. Will check on a 5.0.5 system here tonite. <br>log in as root and type env only. Don't know if the set is overriding.<br>And how about the port you are trying to log in on.&nbsp;&nbsp;Standard serial ports or multiport card.&nbsp;&nbsp;Multiports may override.&nbsp;&nbsp;Digi in particular , and computone want you to set terminal types in their config program. Will add to this later. <p>Ed Fair<br><a href=mailto: > </a><br><a href= > </a><br>
Don't have dialup working but did log thru the standard serial port tty2a. With the sco provided .profile for root, the terminal type as defined in /etc/ttytype was splashed to the terminal with an enter required to continue.<br>With the change to eval `tset -s` it sailed through to login. In both cases env returned the ttytype correctly.<br>In my system tty01 to 12 have scoansi as types, there isn't anything listed as ansi.<br>So the question is &quot;what else is on the machine that causes it&quot;?<br>One possible aid is to put a terminal on the port and change to non modem side to see what's going on. One benefit to having the terminal is getty splashing node name and port address so you see what it is dealing with.<br>Would feel more comfortable making these suggestions if you would list your ttytype and inittab three or four lines on either side of the port in question and probably wouldn't hurt to list the special stuff that lists on initialization.<br>Will give it some more thought. And will get AndyBo to jump in if he sees anything I've missed.<br>And you might want to delete the existing ttytype and re-enter it by hand.&nbsp;&nbsp;If that sucker got clobbered it might give you this type of problem. <p>Ed Fair<br><a href=mailto: > </a><br><a href= > </a><br>
Thanks AndyBo and edfair:<br><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It took a while but I finally got the dialin working. The modem on the SCO side is attached to tty2a&nbsp;&nbsp;and&nbsp;&nbsp;/etc/ttytype for tty2a is set to wy60 tty2a. I had to create a user in /usr to allow dialin without affecting root's ability to have proper graphics. I copied .profile from / to this user directory and edited this copy of .profile to include TERM=wy60 and export TERM (eval `tset -s` does not work). I had to copy the root password line in /etc/passwd and change this copy of the root line to the dialin user. I had to remove the SUPERUSER entry, edit both the home directory, and the shell line. I then created a different password for the dialin user. It finally works!<br><br>Again thanks for all your help
Don't know what is going on with the system. Something still isn't adding up. And part of this may also be related to the fact that you should be on tty2A with tty2a disabled.<br>ed <p>Ed Fair<br><a href=mailto: efair@atlnet.com> efair@atlnet.com</a><br><a href= > </a><br>Any advice I give is my best judgement based on my interpretation of the facts you supply. <br>
Help increase my knowledge by providing some feedback, good or bad, on any advice I have given.<br>
Got the dialin up and running. Modem on tty2, 2a disabled, 2A enabled. Root .profile with original eval statement commented out (#) and a new one added eval `tset -s`.<br>Had to modify /etc/ttytype to add &quot;wy60&nbsp;&nbsp;tty2A&quot; to the file. First time that I've noticed, but evidently 5.0.5 doesn't think serial 0 & 1 are good modem ports since neither have a ttytype entered for the modem side.<br>Modified my gettydefs to eliminate speed changing, set 1, 2, &3 to cycle back to themselves, and set #3 to 9600.&nbsp;&nbsp;Added ACU and direct for 2A to Devices along with direct for 2a( in case modem needs internals set).<br>Dialed in, logged as root, and env gave me wy60 just like I wanted.<br>On a previous post I had asked about dialup, that would have been legit for everything before 5.0.5. And I feel bad that I didn't notice that line missing when I was diddling with ttytype previously.<br>ed <p>Ed Fair<br><a href=mailto: efair@atlnet.com> efair@atlnet.com</a><br><a href= > </a><br>Any advice I give is my best judgement based on my interpretation of the facts you supply. <br>
Help increase my knowledge by providing some feedback, good or bad, on any advice I have given.<br>
Hi Ed,<br><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I don't exactly know why but my software talks to tty2a as a modem port and it works. We have a proprietary modem program which sets the SCO box modem, a USR 33.6 external modem attached to tty2a, to autoanswer. We can then login, get to a # sign and run our program remotely using a proprietary dial in program on our end. Since our program is only a text based POS program, we do not use a dialer, or PPP connection to attach. The only wrinkle we had was to have a Windows user attach to our program through Procomm 4.8 and now that seems to work. Thank you for your help and also the help of Andy Bo.<br><br>Glenn
2A and 2a are the same port.&nbsp;&nbsp;2a implies 3 wire comms, send, receive, and common (lines 2,3, and 7). 2A implies modem with other lines made active or receptive as case may be.&nbsp;&nbsp;The reason I made 2a active in Devices is because modems sometimes won't work because internals are set wrong and using the non-modem port allows control of the modem to set the internals.<br>If you were using the modem port (2A) you wouldn't have to set the auto answer. It would be set for you. But I think you would have to have Devices active on 2A to get the initial modem initialization.(init strings in Dialers).<br>This is usually a 3 to 4 minute setup. I still think something is seriously wrong in your UUCP.&nbsp;&nbsp;<br>There are some registers in the USR that can give some wierd stuff.&nbsp;&nbsp;Fought some recently on Unix3.2v4.2.&nbsp;&nbsp;Will be at that customer tomorrow. Will pick up a copy of the register dump and see what I made notes on.<br> <p>Ed Fair<br><a href=mailto: efair@atlnet.com> efair@atlnet.com</a><br><a href= > </a><br>Any advice I give is my best judgement based on my interpretation of the facts you supply. <br>
Help increase my knowledge by providing some feedback, good or bad, on any advice I have given.<br>
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