First check LD 90
REQ: prt
Type: NET
Tran: AC1
Type: SPN
SPN: 011
If you get a printout with an RLI - take note. if not it needs to be built (message back if this is the case)
Now go to ld 86
REQ: prt
Feat: RLB
RLI: x (enter the rli number printed in ld 90)
The printout will have a FRL prompt. Most of the time FRL is equal to Ncos. This can be verified in LD 87, Prt, NCTL. Your phone has to have an ncos equal to or greater than the FLR in the RLI to make an international call.
i you want to risk it, you could set UNR (unrestricted ) in CLS... but be sure they wont abuse it,,,i have all our senior staff set to UNR so they can dial what they like, but i do run CDR so i have a record
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