Hello Everyone!
I am having the same problem Rhort(Home > Forums > Data Transmission > Communication Protocols > TCP/IP Forum
Connected to ‘net - unable to browse
thread581-825114) was having.
While connected through dial-up I keep getting the IE error screen "This page cannot be displayed...... Cannot find server or DNS error"
I have a P4 1.6 with XPSP1+updates, IE6SP1+updates, Norton Antivirus and Internet Security running on it. I think the last thing I did was install an update... it could have been either an XP or an IE update I'm not so sure anymore(having problems with my short-term memory).
I tried entering the ISP's given DNS server adresses, but there was no answer there. Found this thread581-825114 and first tried winsockfix.exe(although downloaded it from another site, because 'shaw'-link isn't valid anymore). Thought it would help but it didn't. Then tried it again and having no luck with that, tried the netsh.exe(twice!) but still no choir music. So conclusion is I'm at a loss. Maybe it's something simple that I just don't see.... does anyone here see it?
Thank you guys.
I am having the same problem Rhort(Home > Forums > Data Transmission > Communication Protocols > TCP/IP Forum
Connected to ‘net - unable to browse
thread581-825114) was having.
While connected through dial-up I keep getting the IE error screen "This page cannot be displayed...... Cannot find server or DNS error"
I have a P4 1.6 with XPSP1+updates, IE6SP1+updates, Norton Antivirus and Internet Security running on it. I think the last thing I did was install an update... it could have been either an XP or an IE update I'm not so sure anymore(having problems with my short-term memory).
I tried entering the ISP's given DNS server adresses, but there was no answer there. Found this thread581-825114 and first tried winsockfix.exe(although downloaded it from another site, because 'shaw'-link isn't valid anymore). Thought it would help but it didn't. Then tried it again and having no luck with that, tried the netsh.exe(twice!) but still no choir music. So conclusion is I'm at a loss. Maybe it's something simple that I just don't see.... does anyone here see it?
Thank you guys.