proc main
call dialup
call login
call gethyst
call gettime
call gettid
call getphst
call getdnb
call gettnb
transmit "****^M"
transmit "LOGO^M"
transmit "^M"
waitfor "OVL111"
pause 15
proc dialup
dial DATA GROUP "Maintenance" CONNECTALL
pause 30
proc login
transmit "****^M"
transmit "LOGI "
transmit $USERID
transmit "^M"
waitfor "PASS?"
transmit $PASSWORD
transmit "^M"
waitfor ">" FOREVER
proc gethyst
integer iDay, iMonth, iYear, iMin, iHour, iSec
string hystfname
string switchName
switchName = $DIALCONNECT
ltimeints $LTIME iYear iMonth iDay iHour iMin iSec
strfmt hystfname "%7.11s_History_%02d_%02d_%d_%d_%d.txt" switchName iMonth iDay iYear iHour iMin
pwtitlebar switchName PERMANENT ;Display switch name in title.
set txpace 40
set capture file hystfname
capture on
ok. So, let's say the script is started with the windows scheduler.
The first site dialed is completely fine. All the code runs.
But the Script ends, though the "dial DATA GROUP" still goes on, like it is supposed to.
What command should I use, to not let the "proc main" "endproc" and also avoid the "call dialup" and be able to call all the rest of the scripts, to do their thing, until there is no more "entries" to dial, in the "dial group"?
I think that is a run on sentence.
Should I put some code behind the last "call" and say for it to jump to the beginning of the process?
Something with the loop while for? I am lost at this point.
I have gleaned alot from the access stuff here! And managed to piece meal this together. Hope the code that I wrote helps, others out.