Friday morning I found my Legend 7.0 system acting strangely; one phone clicked every few seconds as if there were a loose wire. Checking the Error Logs, I saw every few minutes a alternation between SOFTWARE WARM START and DUART STREAMING INT error messages, roughly 5 minutes apart, and enough to have filled the buffer.
The Maintenance and Troubleshooting book from Avaya just says "Processor problem - troubleshoot the processor." Some help.
On a mild hunch, I disconnected an SPM cable that was plugged into the processor but not a computer at the other end. Perhaps it was acting like an antenna. So far, so good. But I'd sure like to know more. Anyone have any better ideas about this error message? Thanks.
The Maintenance and Troubleshooting book from Avaya just says "Processor problem - troubleshoot the processor." Some help.
On a mild hunch, I disconnected an SPM cable that was plugged into the processor but not a computer at the other end. Perhaps it was acting like an antenna. So far, so good. But I'd sure like to know more. Anyone have any better ideas about this error message? Thanks.